How well does our immunity endure Covid-19?
Researchers have delved into that question, and in general, what they found was for those who are considered up-to-date with the Covid-19 vaccine-getting a booster when it’s recommended. Means to do-it means less protection against illness. It’s been more than 3-4 months since the last dose, but the defense against hospitalization and death remains high.
The reasons are as follows. Antibodies, the frontline defenders of the immune system, gradually decline after infection or vaccination. In a few months they will disappear, and it’s normal. But it keeps your body open against the invasion of another virus.
The good news is that immune defense begins with antibodies, but it doesn’t end there. Other cells, such as B cells and T cells, are still imprinted with the memory of the virus or vaccine, so if they encounter the pathogen again, they can create another antibody army.
It takes time to build that army, so you may get some symptoms while your body is preparing to fight. But after all, your immune system should be rescued and help you recover without much hassle.
In general, this is the way it is supposed to work. However, this process may not go as planned for everyone. Elderly people and people with low immune system may need additional assistance to prevent the worst consequences of a Covid-19 infection.
Protection after infection
This is how protection is actually maintained against infection by the symptomatic Omicron coronavirus mutant. If you get:
- Two doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are 30% effective between 2 and 4 months after injection.
- With a single dose of Johnson & Johnson and a single dose of mRNA shots from Pfizer / BioNTech or Moderna, the vaccine is 55% effective between 2 and 4 months.
- With 3 doses of mRNA shots, the vaccine is 63% effective between 2 and 4 months.
Protection against hospitalization with low immune system
When it comes to emergency care and hospitalization, the protection gained from vaccines really depends on immune function.
Sarah Tartov, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Southern California, is studying how well a third dose of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine works to keep adults in her health system away from the hospital. increase.
From the third dose to 3 months later, the vaccine’s efficacy for hospitalization was 85%, but after 3 months it decreased to 55%. However, after careful examination, she discovered that these results were primarily caused by the immune system.
“There was no evidence of weakness, but I was in an immunocompromised state,” Tartov said. “In immunodeficiency, the effectiveness of the vaccine basically starts low and goes low.”
However, for people with regular immune function, the effectiveness of the vaccine for hospitalization remained high after 3 months (about 86%).
In general, researchers have found that in adults over the age of 50, when the immune system is functioning normally, defense begins high and remains high for up to 6 months after booster administration. Hospitalized for infection with Omicron mutant.
For adults over the age of 50 who have a weakened immune system, such as those who have undergone a solid organ transplant or are being treated for cancer, booster protection is initially good, but it declines faster.
For example, up to two months after booster vaccination with the mRNA vaccine, immunocompromised adults can expect 81% protection from hospitalization if they have an infection caused by the Omicron mutant, but four months later. Drops to about 49%. New CDC data. This is one of the reasons why this group prioritizes additional boosters.
Immune protection after infection
Researchers said this protection was comparable to that given by the mRNA vaccine and was stable up to 9 months after infection.
According to the CDC, about 90% of people infected with Covid-19 produce antibodies after infection. However, how much protection you have from infection depends on your symptoms. People with symptoms make more antibodies than those who do not, and those who are hospitalized make more antibodies than those who do not.
Experts agree that getting a Covid-19 infection is not a good way to build immunity, as it can be very unpredictable and even fatal. But if you have it, you’ll be protected to some extent from it, and people should be able to count on it when thinking about risks, a transplant surgeon at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine. Dr. Dolly Segeff told CNN Chief Medical that correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
“Covid is a high-risk, high-result method for gaining immunity. But if you have Covid, experience it, and have immunity, that’s what we need to respect and I We need to incorporate it into the way we draw. Covid’s new social contract. “
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