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Stay vigilant yet! Covid 5 practices to adopt in the horror of the 4th wave

Stay vigilant yet! Covid 5 practices to adopt in the horror of the 4th wave


Therefore, it is advisable not to disappoint them COVID Still guard!

“We believe we can end Covid’s emergency by the end of this year,” said Maria Van Kerkhove of the WHO. This can be achieved by taking steps to reduce it. We cannot forget the possibilities of more variants and all future scenarios of how the pandemic will evolve. “

Earlier this week, WHO also noted that the virus was still circulating and there was still a risk of the emergence of more deadly variants.

WHO warned that as winter approaches in countries in the Southern Hemisphere, “there is a high risk of a new wave of COVID infections reoccurring.” Coronaviruses are more likely to spread the more likely people are to gather indoors and the cooler the temperature.

It has been suggested that the reason why the deadly Covid-19 virus is still breeding is that the human body is a suitable host for it. Therefore, the only option to stop the spread of the virus is to block the transmission of one body to another.

Relaxation of social behavior should not be tolerated.Social distance to be maintained

“People of all ages are vulnerable to infection, but nonetheless, in the current scenario, the elderly population and a large number of people undergoing dialysis or undergoing kidney transplantation, COPD history, asthma, etc. People with the disease or patients receiving cancer treatments such as other respiratory diseases and chemotherapy are at increased risk of infection, “said Dr. Sachin Kandhari, Senior Neurosurgeon and Managing Director, IBS Hospital, New Delhi. I am saying.

Here are five methods you can take to prevent the spread of the virus:

1. Mask

The most effective way to prevent the virus from entering the body is to cover the area around the mouth, including the nose and chin.

When the coronavirus was first discovered in Wuhan, China in late 2019, the first suggestion from experts was to hide everyone.

Governments and government agencies have made people aware of the benefits of wearing masks. Research studies have shown that simply wearing a cloth mask significantly reduces the risk of getting a virus.

according to US CDC Report“Cloth masks not only effectively block most large droplets (ie, 20-30 microns and above), but also block the exhalation of fine droplets and particles (also known as aerosols) smaller than 10 microns. can also do.”

2. Avoid congestion

Apart from the mask, it was a great contributor to stopping the coronavirus wildfire. Blockade..

Two years later, we must not forget this practice. If you don’t need it, don’t go out or attend meetings.

The rally is a hotbed for some pathogenic infections. Unmasked public, unhealthy disinfection methods that do not maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter, and improper air circulation when the rally is in a closed space avoid outdoor rally during a pandemic Are some of the reasons why is always recommended.

3. Quarantine even with self-diagnosis of very few symptoms

If you feel unwell, quarantine voluntarily. When COVID was a new illness, health agencies focused on isolating infected individuals from those with whom they came into contact.

Quarantine helps reduce viral infections. People infected with the virus remain isolated from others for 10 to 14 days until the incubation period of the virus.

Quarantine at home will prevent older people and children from getting infectious diseases.

How many people are still buying bottles of disinfectant, as in 2020? Not many people do that!

4. Keep your hands clean and use disinfectant

Disinfecting your hands is another effective way to prevent all infections, as well as keep the viruses that cause COVID away.

The hand is one of the most mobile parts of the human body. These are one of the major causes of carrying the virus into the body.

Therefore, it is very important to wash your hands properly, whether for cooking or before eating.

A clear example of the effects of hand disinfection can be found in the government’s anthelmintic movement. After children were instructed to wash their hands before and after eating and after using the toilet, the incidence of worm-eaten children was significantly reduced.

5. Vaccination

So far, vaccination is the only effective way to reduce the risk of Covid’s severity. According to experts, the low hospitalizations during the Omicron wave of Covid were primarily due to vaccination.

Vaccination prepares the memory of the immune system to fight the virus. Booster shots enhance the memory of the immune system. The immune system usually weakens after months of vaccination.

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