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A backlash against happy pair twins over a “virtually wrong” video about reducing the risk of breast cancer

A backlash against happy pair twins over a “virtually wrong” video about reducing the risk of breast cancer


HappyPear’s twins Stephen and David Flynn face a backlash after posting a video online that suggests ways to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer with a diet.

His video, which was subsequently removed from his Instagram account, claimed breast cancer rates for women in the United Kingdom and other high-income countries, and suggested ways for people to reduce their risk of breast cancer.

This video was branded “virtually wrong” by scientist Dr. David Robert Grimes today.

The Vegan Brothers run successful cafes and shops in Greystones, Wicklow, and are well-known advocates of cookbooks, courses, and a healthy lifestyle.

However, a short video posted on the pair’s Instagram that promoted the latest podcast episode was heavily criticized online and encouraged many commenters to remove the video.

Regarding the video footage, the clip’s narration states: “One in seven women in the United Kingdom and other high-income countries will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, compared to one in 100 in Hong Kong and one in 1,000 in China.

“Some of the possible factors are excessive saturated fat intake, excessive dairy product intake, and excessive animal food intake.

“Here are five things you can do to reduce your risk. Aim for a healthy weight and eat mostly plant-based whole foods. Aim for 8 to 13 fruit and vegetable pieces per day. Reduce alcohol consumption, avoid smoking, and move regularly. Eat mushrooms-reduce the risk of breast cancer and eastern soy products 2-3 times a day. “


Images from videos posted on HappyPear Instagram

But Dr. Grimes Even if someone does everything “correctly”, the amount of risk that can be corrected, that is, the ability of a person to influence their chances of getting sick, is only 30%. WHO repeats this and says “up to 30”.

“There is a line where patients and people with cancer essentially blame themselves and feel embarrassed,” he said.

“I’m sure it’s not the intention, but it’s the reality of that kind of thing. It’s also virtually wrong. If it was right, that’s one thing, but it’s not.

“The amount of correctable risk of breast cancer is only about 30%. Even if you do everything” correctly “-I hate using that term-but you are the healthiest lifestyle in the world If you had … Cancer is still just cancer. It’s not a moral failure, it’s an illness, “said the writer and broadcaster.

He said there was no clear evidence to support the claim that reducing dairy products affects a person’s risk of developing cancer.

“Most cancer research groups, charities, and laboratories around the world will tell you that the evidence doesn’t support it at all,” he said.

“For some cancers, such as bowel cancer, the risk can be reduced.


David Robert Grimes, a Dublin-based cancer researcher and author of The Irrational Ape

“In the video, they also tried to speculate on the population of some parts of Asia and the population of Europe, but there are many major differences.

It cannot be pinned to a diet. It’s very difficult to know exactly what the diet is doing, but the truth of the matter is that you probably aren’t doing that much. “

Dr. Grimes added: “Ideally, obesity should be avoided because it has a 100% risk of cancer, but everything else is too vague to draw strong conclusions.”

Dublin-based author Unreasonable monkey Cancer is primarily associated with aging, “usually random,” and “it has no justice.”

“I was in my twenties and lost people who were loved by cancer who did everything” right “,” he said.

Dr. Grimes says that people often rely on what is called “just world theory” to explain the consequences of our lives. This theory argues that everything has a reason.

“It’s reassuring to people because people can say: Then y doesn’t happen to me, so I don’t do X, but it goes into a scary, dark place,” he said.

“So people who really aspire to this believe that it prevents them from getting cancer, so they really want to believe it.

“In reality, there are a few risks that can be corrected, but not so much, and diet will not play as much a role as some believe.”

While he understands why people confuse medicine with food, he said they are never mistaken for the same thing and are “actually completely different.”

“Food is very important and people are passionate about it, but the problem is that passion spills over into emotional judgment in different food types,” he said.

“Diet is not a panacea. Eating well is important for living, but it’s all, not ending all cancers, and in fact, its role in correctable risk is for most people. It’s much smaller than you think.

“One of the most horrifying things a patient sees after being diagnosed with cancer is when, with the best intentions, people give dietary advice that can cause serious harm to the patient.

“I’ve heard patients being told to cut carbs and sugar or to go on a ketogenic diet.

“Restricted diets are inherently restrictive and often maintain weight through cancer treatment, so patients often lose weight. These bites are well-meaning but often harmful. “

Dr. Grimes says this episode highlights one basic lesson from all this that everyone should follow.

“None of us should get health advice from social media. Absolutely none of us.

“We’ve seen a pandemic, and we’re still inheriting the results. People and people who had very bad thoughts before their gurus and started giving Covid’s advice died. People definitely died unnecessarily. “

The video was removed from HappyPear’s Instagram account by Saturday afternoon.

David and Stephen Flynn were contacted for comment




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