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Symptoms of covid: Fever, chills, and headaches can be a sign of malaria or Covid.Here’s how to distinguish

Symptoms of covid: Fever, chills, and headaches can be a sign of malaria or Covid.Here’s how to distinguish
Symptoms of covid: Fever, chills, and headaches can be a sign of malaria or Covid.Here’s how to distinguish


malaria – Diseases caused by parasites that are bitten by mosquitoes and invade the human body – have been around for 30 million years. Over the centuries, the evolution of modern medicine has invented powerful medicines to treat this disease, and in most cases it is now curable as long as a person is properly treated.However, for the past two years COVID-19 The pandemic poses a challenge in diagnosing malaria.

Because Covid-19 and malaria share some symptoms – high heat, coldFatigue, headache – It has become difficult for medical professionals to identify the initial symptoms that the illness is plagued by the patient, making it impossible to make a misdiagnosis or even worse. The only way to deal with this problem is to have a blood test as soon as you see signs of fever.

Do both tests

If you have symptoms that may be associated with both malaria and Covid-19, choose both tests, not just one. Get the RT-PCR report to make sure Covid is free, but don’t leave it alone. If the Covid test is negative but the symptoms persist, select the malaria PCR test to identify vector-mediated disease.

The main differences between the two illnesses

Here’s what you and your doctor have to check to know if it’s malaria or covid while you wait for the test results, and you can start pretreatment based on that. The two illnesses have common characteristics, but one of the two major differences is that during malaria, one experiences an essentially periodic high fever, whereas in Covid the general tendency is low-grade fever. is.

Why should we take malaria seriously?

Over the last two years, we have seen the severity of Covid-19, the number of lives it claimed, and the physical and psychological problems it left behind for people after infection. However, because malaria has been around for so long that it can be life-threatening when it becomes severe, it does not associate the same level of fear with the disease (as in Covid). This is a terribly wrong approach. -Despite advances in medicine, it is still a threat.

Severe malaria
Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia that complicates infections, causes organ failure and abnormalities in the patient’s blood and metabolism, which can be fatal.

Malaria 2agency

Take antimalarial medications when traveling to high-risk areas.

Needs precautions against both Covid and malaria

It’s good to remember that when we mask and use gallons of disinfectant, there is something other than the Covid-19 virus that can pose a threat to our health. So don’t forget to roll on mosquitoes, clean around your home and make sure there is no stagnant water anywhere mosquitoes can breed.

If you live in a mosquito-rich area, use a net to cover your bed at night and turn on electric mosquito repellent during the day.

Take antimalarial medications when traveling to high-risk areas. Pregnant women, children over the age of 65 and the elderly are more vulnerable to the disease. One of the most important things to remember in the case of malaria is to seek immediate medical assistance without self-medication.While Omicron The variants are kinder than their predecessors, malaria has been consistently dangerous for millions of years, and antibiotics and low-grade fever cannot be dispelled.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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