One in four children in Latin America and the Caribbean misses a life-saving vaccine-the world
** Panama City, April 25, 2022 ** – Complete vaccination schedule for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough (DTP3) in Latin America and the Caribbean region from 90% in 2015 to 76% in 2020 It has decreased. Data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and UNICEF.. This means that one in four children in the area has not received the complete schedule needed to protect them from potentially life-threatening illnesses.
While negative trends in vaccination rates have already been observed prior to the pandemic, countless children are most basic due to the disruption of essential medical services and the fear of COVID-19 vaccination at vaccination sites. I lost some of the vaccines.
“The decline in vaccination rates in the region is alarming and millions of children and adolescents are at risk of dangerous but preventable illnesses,” said UNICEF’s Latin America and the Caribbean. Sea Region Director Jean Goff said. “The solution to this problem lies in strengthening the immunization program and the overall health system.”
A 14 percent reduction in vaccination rates leaves nearly 2.5 million children without a complete DTP vaccination schedule. Of them, 1.5 million are “zero doses”: they have not even received the first dose of the vaccine.
Dangerous setback
The more children you miss, the easier it is for the infectious pathogen to spread. Pockets in immunized and non-immune communities can lead to outbreaks. Only five cases of diphtheria were reported in the region in 2013, but according to PAHO data, this number has surged to nearly 900 each in 2018. Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus, so set a higher alert. In 2013, there were about 500 cases. However, in 2019, more than 23,000 people had the disease.
“As countries recover from a pandemic, the recurrence of disease outbreaks poses a serious risk to society as a whole, so urgent action is needed to prevent further declines in coverage,” Gough said. “This is an opportunity to rebuild primary health care and strengthen a comprehensive community approach to vaccinating the most vulnerable people. Losing efforts over the last few decades, dangerous illnesses threaten children’s lives. I can not do it.”
UNICEF has launched a campaign against the governments of Latin America and Caribbean to urgently strengthen or reestablish regular immune programs, increase the reliability of vaccines, and vaccinate all children, adolescents and their families. Encourage them to implement a plan to provide services. Especially to the most vulnerable people who do not have access to medical services due to their geographical location, mobility, or ethnic identity.
Media contacts
Laurent Duvillier
Regional communication manager
UNICEF Latin America and the Caribbean
Tel: + 507 3017393
Tel: + 507 6169 9886
Email: [email protected]
Maria Alejandra Beloteran
Communication Officer
UNICEF Latin America and the Caribbean
Tel: +507 301 7482
Tel: +507 6292 2099
Email: [email protected]
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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