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Description: Mysterious hepatitis outbreaks in children around the world

Description: Mysterious hepatitis outbreaks in children around the world


A series of unexplained cases of hepatitis B in children are hitting the world. Many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, have reported mysterious cases of several children diagnosed with hepatitis B.

From January to the present, there have been several cases of hepatitis B-positive children, and doctors are constantly being asked to identify the reasons behind this outbreak.

What is hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus or HBV. The virus usually spreads through blood, semen, and other body fluids.

It can be prevented or prevented by vaccination. In the acute case, the virus is short-lived and does not necessarily require treatment, but it can become serious and lead to organ scarring, liver failure and even life-threatening illnesses. cancer..

The most common symptoms of hepatitis B are jaundice, fever, fatigue that lasts for weeks or months, vomiting, loss of appetite, and pain in the joints and abdomen.

Symptoms may not be visible for 1 to 6 months after being infected with the virus.

What do you know so far?

The World Health Organization (WHO) said the extent of the outbreak was such that at least 169 children diagnosed with hepatitis B were recorded. (13), Israel (12), United States (9), Denmark (6), Ireland (<5), Netherlands (4), Italy (4), Norway (2), France (2), Romania (1), Belgium (1). "

Most of these cases were found in children aged 1 month to 16 years. According to the WHO report, 17 children needed a liver transplant, but at least one child died of the disease.

Most of these cases were acute hepatitis, which causes inflammation of the liver. According to WHO reports, most cases have symptoms such as “abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting that precede symptoms with severe acute hepatitis, elevated liver enzyme levels … and jaundice.”

One of the concerns doctors face is that the virus found in affected children is not the usual virus associated with hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Instead, it is adenovirus, a family of viruses that usually cause the common cold. Among other symptoms, at least 74 cases have been found worldwide.

The WHO report also states: the COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Pandemic. The Netherlands also reported that the community’s adenovirus circulation is increasing at the same time. “

Jim McMenamin, director of Public Health Scotland, told Reuters that 77% of children in the UK tested positive for adenovirus.

As cases increase in the United States, health officials pay attention to the symptoms of hepatitis in children and instruct them to test for adenovirus if they encounter such symptoms, especially those related to the cold virus. It has been. Physicians are also urged to report suspected cases of hepatitis B in children to the state and health departments.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that it is working with the United Kingdom to understand the causes of children’s illnesses.

What is an adenovirus? How does it lead to hepatitis B in children?

Adenovirus is a group of viruses that cause cold and influenza-like symptoms, fever, sore throat, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, acute gastric inflammation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain.

Adenovirus is known to spread from one person to another by close contact, coughing, sneezing, and even touching objects containing adenovirus, and by touching the mouth, nose, or eyes.

Type 41 adenovirus is suspected of causing hepatitis B in children. There are more than 50 types of adenovirus, but type 41 causes diarrhea, vomiting, and fever along with respiratory problems.

In a statement, WHO said: “Adenoviruses are usually common pathogens that cause self-limited infections. They spread from person to person and most commonly cause respiratory illness, but in some types gastroenteritis ( It can also cause other illnesses such as stomach and intestinal inflammation), conjunctivitis (pink eye), and cystitis (bladder infection). “

“Although there are cases of hepatitis in immunocompromised children infected with adenovirus, adenovirus type 41 is not known to be the cause of hepatitis in otherwise healthy children,” WHO said. I added.




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