Climate crisis that increases the risk of viral spillover that can cause a pandemic
Climate change One study warns that the virus can “dramatically increase” the risk of flying from animals to humans, causing another pandemic.
wild animal Moving to new habitats in search of food is likely to spread virus Scientists said to each other and to the people.
Researchers at Georgetown University-Medical Center (GUMC) have predicted that animals will move to more and more urban areas in search of food.
They added that this increases the likelihood of viral transmission between animals and increases the risk of developing diseases such as the ongoing Covid pandemic.
The cause of the ongoing pandemic is not clearly known, but it is believed that infected bats may have transmitted the disease to the first human victim in Wuhan, China.
The mixture of unhealthy animals and humans in the food market is associated with the spread of the disease.
Colin Carlson, an assistant professor at the Global Health Sciences and Security Center at GUMC in Washington, USA, likened climate risk to what is found in the food market.
“The closest analogy is actually the risks found in wildlife trading,” he said.
“Collecting unhealthy animals in unnatural combinations creates opportunities for this step-by-step emergence process, like the Sir’s jumping from bats to civets, and from civets to people, so I’m worried about the market.
“But markets are no longer special. In a changing climate, such a process becomes a reality almost everywhere.”
For their peer-reviewed studies, Nature In a journal on April 28, researchers said they conducted the first comprehensive assessment of how climate change reconstructs the world’s mammalian virome.
Their work focused on changing geographic areas and the journey the species undertake as they traced their habitat into new areas.
When they first encounter other mammals, research plans to share thousands of viruses.
They said that these changes caused viruses such as Ebola and coronavirus to emerge in new areas, making them difficult to track, increasing the chances of invading new types of animals, and allowing the virus to jump over “stepping stone” species to humans. It states that it will be easier to invade.
Researchers said animal habitats would move disproportionately to the same locations as humans, creating new hotspots for spillover risk.
Much of this process may already be underway in today’s 1.2C warm world, and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions may not prevent the development of these events. They added.
According to researchers, the additional findings are the potential effects of elevated temperatures on bats, which account for the majority of new virus sharing.
Their ability to fly allows them to travel long distances and share most viruses.
Due to its central role in the emergence of the virus, the greatest impact is predicted in Southeast Asia, a global hotspot for bat diversity.
“At every step, our simulation surprised us,” Carlson said. We’ve spent years reaffirming these results with different data and different assumptions, but the model always leads to these conclusions.
“This is a really great example of how well you can predict the future if you try it out.”
As the virus begins to jump between host species at unprecedented rates, the authors state that conservation and human health implications can be significant.
“This mechanism adds yet another layer to how climate change threatens human and animal health,” said Gregory, a postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, co-lead author of the study. Dr. Albury said.
“It is unclear exactly how these new viruses affect the species involved, but many of them can lead to new conservation risks and encourage the emergence of new human outbreaks.”
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