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Health units warn after drug overdose surges in Lake Northumberland and Kawartha Lakes

Health units warn after drug overdose surges in Lake Northumberland and Kawartha Lakes


A warning was issued after the recent increase in the number of overdose in Northumberland County.

After the recent increase in overdose, the health unit issued a warning.

Person concerned with Halliburton, Kawalta, Pineridge District Health Unit He says he encourages people to take safety precautions when using medicines in response to the recent surge.

Specifically, Alerts responds to the recent increase in people being treated for overdose in local hospitals, especially Northumberland, and reads alerts. These local overdose factors may include people using alone, or contaminated or contaminated drug supplies that can lead to more serious overdose reactions, the public said. Hygiene explained.

“The recent overdose we see is not concentrated in any part of the health unit’s area and is not limited to any particular age group,” said the Health Unit’s Material and Harm Mitigation Coordinator. One Catherine McDonald said. “The latest numbers suggest that it’s important to be safe, anywhere, anytime, anyone, whether you or anyone you know is using opioids or drugs. That is. “

Public health requires residents to consider the following:

One of the main ways to reduce the risk of overdose is not to use it alone. Consider using it with your friends or calling them. If you are alone Nationwide overdose response service (NORS) Virtual Safe Consumption Service 1-888-668-6677.. NORS is an overdose prevention hotline for Canadians, providing loving, confidential and unjudgmental support.

The Health Unit also suggests these additional safety tips:

• Test small doses of medicine before use.

• Call 911 for overdose.

• Avoid mixing drugs.

• Keep the naloxone kit handy. Naloxone kits are available at most pharmacies and needle exchange sites.

Naloxone is an emergency drug that temporarily reverses the effects of opioid overdose until a person can go to the hospital for treatment, authorities are reminding the general public.

Naloxone is recommended for all suspected drug overdose due to the potential for opioid contamination or addiction. Community partners have been warned to step up efforts to distribute naloxone, public health said.

Free kits are also available for opioid users, their families and friends, and can be picked up at health centers or local pharmacies. For more information,

The health unit continues to encourage people to intervene if they see an overdose. People should call 911 and give that person naloxone.

McDonald’s reminds residents that Good Samaritan Law protects those who seek to help in an emergency from legal consequences. Good Samaritan’s drug overdose method also protects people in the field of overdose from being charged with possession or use of the drug, McDonald added.

Signs of overdose:

Signs of overdose include very large or very small pupils, slow or no breathing, cold, moist skin, blue or purple fingernails or lips, snoring or gargling. Overdose of drugs is often difficult to awaken.

For more information on local opioid overdose, see The Health Unit has an opioid overdose report dashboard online via its website.

People can also use the online submission form in this way to anonymously report overdose and drug-related information. This helps in a quick response to overdose.




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