Eating an early dinner can boost your body for weight loss
- Recent studies show that eating late dinners can lead to weight gain and high blood sugar levels regardless of calories.
- Eat dinner at 10pm. It may affect your blood sugar and your ability to burn fat instead of 6 PM.
- The study found that eating a late meal increased peak blood glucose levels by almost 20% and reduced fat burning by 10% compared to those who ate dinner before.
The conventional wisdom is that calories are always calories, and weight gain is caused by consuming more calories than you use. Nutritionists do this Calories burned, calories burned Weight management theory.
But that may not be so simple. A new study found that what you eat could play an important role in weight gain.
According to research Release Today, in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism of the Endocrine Society, eating late dinner is associated with weight gain and high blood sugar levels, whether or not the diet is the same as previously eaten.
“We knew of other studies that suggested that a late diet was associated with obesity. We wanted to look into this more closely because the association is not the same as a causal link,” he said. Author Dr. Jonathan C. Jun, Associate Professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, told Healthline.
Jun explained that he wanted to understand whether delaying a diet in a way that promotes obesity actually alters metabolism.
“That’s why we started this randomized controlled clinical trial, feeding healthy people at two different times, controlling their diet, controlling their diet, and even controlling their sleep,” he said. ..
In June and the team examined 20 healthy volunteers (10 males and 10 females) to see how their bodies metabolized the dinner they ate at 10 pm. Instead of 6 pm
All study participants went to bed at the same time: 11:00 pm.
Studies show that eating late dinners can lead to high blood sugar levels and low fat levels, even when people eat the same meals.
“We weren’t surprised. Other researchers have done similar research investigating circadian rhythms and diets, while others have been eating out of phase with the body’s normal circadian rhythms. Showed that it does not metabolize glucose in the same way.
The study found that eating a slow meal increased peak blood glucose levels by almost 20% and reduced fat burning by 10%, compared to those who ate early.
“The effects seen in healthy volunteers may be more pronounced in obese or diabetic people who are already under-metabolized,” the first author of the study said. Chenjuan Gu, A postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University, statement..
The most interesting part of this study is that researchers have found that not everyone responds to eating a similarly late meal.
“What surprised me the most was that not everyone was equally vulnerable.” The group will see in the patterns of activity over the past two weeks. It was the worst when we gave them a late meal. “
According to Jun, those who ate by midnight, 2 or 3 am did not seem to be affected by the dietary changes. “One size doesn’t fit all. There are differences in people’s metabolism that don’t delay eating or annoying.”
Jun pointed out that this study is much more detailed than previous studies on the subject. Participants wore activity tracking devices, collected blood, underwent sleep studies and body fat scans, and ate foods containing non-radioactive markers to measure fat metabolism.
“People received very intensive surveillance when they were in the lab. They took blood every 6 hours and monitored their activity and sleep for two weeks before they came to the lab,” Jun. He said.
Jun was confident when asked if this study would provide conclusive evidence that when eating causes weight gain, and not necessarily.
“Yes, at least I think this indicates that there is a biological plausibility or biological explanation for how meal timing affects how your body processes those calories. “He said.
“This study was conducted in healthy young adult volunteers, who provide us with information to help guide our diet,” he said. Lisa K. Dewald, MS, RD, LDN, Program Manager, Villanova University M. Louise Fitzpatrick Nursing University McDonald’s Center for Obesity Prevention and Education.
Dewald adds that the finding is important for disease prevention.
“This study shows that developing a diet that addresses not only traditional factors such as diet content and size, but also meal timing, can affect the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and future heart disease. Reminds me that there is.”
According to Dewald, dinner, in terms of calories, is the largest meal of the day for most adults.
She explained that busy people usually rush for breakfast and lunch, so that often means eating later, and that they are more than necessary. “[This] As this study emphasizes, even young individuals of healthy weight can yearn for a large diet late at night, as they can cause some problems in glucose and fat metabolism. “
If you knew you were going home late, Dewald would recommend sprinkling the nuts with a small amount of high-protein snacks such as Greek yogurt late in the afternoon.
“If you have to lose your appetite a bit and eat later than expected, you could end up with a snack-sized meal,” she said.
Options include eating a small salad of grilled chicken, a half sandwich and fruit, or a cup of vegetable soup and a glass of low-fat milk.
“Aim for your biggest meal at breakfast or lunch if possible,” said Dewald.
According to a recent study, eating late dinner can lead to weight gain and high blood sugar levels, regardless of calories.
The researchers found that not everyone responded the same way, and those accustomed to early bedtime gained the most weight from late dinner. Overnight was the least affected by changes in mealtime.
According to the researchers, this is strong evidence that eating late can lead to weight gains without increasing your calories.
Experts recommend that if you work long hours, eat healthy snacks in the afternoon to reduce your appetite for dinner.
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