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Almost no infection of coronavirus in remote Bolinas


If residents of a small Marlin county in Bolinas had an antibody to COVID-19, researchers reported Thursday.

Residents of this isolated beach town, Famous for trying to keep out strangers, Tested in late April for both coronavirus and its antibodies. Residents raised money for the test, and the University of California, San Francisco funded the project.

According to researchers with UCSF infection, the individuals tested were not found to have active cases of this disease. Antibody tests revealed that 0 to 3 in 1,000 people in Bolinas had previously been infected.

“Our goal of this study was to understand how the new coronavirus spread in relatively isolated communities like Bolinas before or shortly after the homestay order went into effect,” said BCSF Green at UCSF. Dr. House said.

“The results suggest that even if some people were infected with Bolinus as of the end of April, they had almost no virus,” he added.

The researchers analyzed 1,880 blood samples using two different tests for antibodies and combined the results of the two tests to statistically estimate population-level infection rates.

“It’s very likely that no one in Bolinas has ever been infected,” Greenhouse said in an interview.

He said all tests made some false positive findings and the results had to be estimated.

“The antibody test we used is one of the most accurate, but there isn’t a perfect test. Each result should be taken with one grain of salt,” he said.

The researchers say the results show the effectiveness of home stay orders, especially in remote rural areas many miles from the highway.

A large number of surfers arrived in Bolinas after a homestay order was placed in the Bay Area in March. Residents laid themselves at the entrance of the town, turned to the driver and shouted to go home.

The townspeople also made signs and posted them on the roads leading to the town. “Bolinas closed visitors during the pandemic. Residents, delivery only,” said one sign.

Bolinas has historically been unwelcome to visitors. Town leaders limited access to water decades ago to thwart development, and residents regularly demolished traffic signs indicating how to reach the beach community. Bolinas is surrounded on three sides by the sea and can only be reached from San Francisco on long, windy roads.

Eventually, the tech executives moved in and the newcomers came up with the idea of ​​testing everyone in the town for the coronavirus. Bolinas has a high percentage of elderly people and many live below the poverty line. Newcomers are also afraid that viruses may destroy them.

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