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Children eat three times as much sugar

Children eat three times as much sugar


According to a new analysis of 2,336 children, by the age of 7, 8 out of 10 children have a recommended daily calorie limit of 10% from “free sugar” (sugar added to food and drink). Was over.

At just 1.5%, the average daily free sugar intake fell below the 5% target.

More than one-third of infants ate beyond the recommended limits.

Lisa Heggie, Principal Research Fellow at UCL, said: Contains no sugar like fresh fruits and vegetables.

“Parents can also take advantage of clearer nutritional information about these foods to recognize hidden sugars. High levels of free sugars that are naturally present because the product is processed. If so, it is misleading and useless to claim that the product is “sugar-free” (eg, concentrated juice).

She is often trying to provide a healthy diet to her children I was confused by marketing claims.

“Most of a child’s daily sugar intake is hidden in packaged super-processed foods, many of which are sold as healthy,” she said, to some yogurts. Warned that it contains up to 4 tablespoons of sugar.

Katharine Jenner, director and registered dietitian at Action on Sugar, said more powerful action is needed to crack down on food marketing and reduce the sugar content of foods for young people.

“Evidence shows that sweet flavor preferences are established at very young ages, but policies to reduce sugar are not aimed at ridiculous toddlers or toddlers,” she said. rice field.

“In addition, products that are high in processed sugars can be marketed as” child-friendly “with a misleading health claim and a cartoon image of the pack. “

“Misunderstanding labeling”

Caroline Cerny, Alliance Leader of the Obesity Health Alliance, said:

“The government can do much more to address this issue by tackling fraudulent labeling and introducing new measures to encourage companies to reduce the sugar content of their products. This is a soft drink. Beverage levies are the same as for drinks. “

A UCL study tracks 2,400 twin British families born in 2007.

Parents were asked to complete a three-day dietary diary for 2,336 children at 21 months, and a subset of 460 families were asked to repeat exercise when their children reached the age of seven. ..

Researchers calculated the average daily total energy intake and counted free sugar from foods and beverages. This study did not contain sugars that are naturally found in whole fruits and vegetables, or in dairy products.

In a previous study, the average 5-year-old was Equivalent to body weight with sugar During the year.

Gavin Partynton, Executive Secretary of the British Soft Drinks Association, said fruits and vegetables account for only 2 percent of the total energy intake of children aged 4 to 10 years.

He states: “Fruit juice is a completely natural product. No sugar, sweeteners, preservatives, flavors or colorings can be added. This is regulated by law.

“Fruit juices and smoothies are rich in essential nutrients and vitamins such as potassium, folic acid, and vitamin C, to reduce healthy muscle function, a healthy immune system, and fatigue and fatigue. Needed for. 150 ml of fruit juice counts as one. Of the five times a day, it’s a goal that kids are currently missing. “

Tam Fry of the National Obesity Forum said successive governments have ignored plea to take action to tackle childhood obesity for more than 20 years.

“Boris Johnson will not fulfill his promise to halve childhood obesity by 2030 without addressing the sugar consumption of children head-on,” he said.




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