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South Delhi citizen group providing lunar medicine to patients with chronic illness in Covid Spike

South Delhi citizen group providing lunar medicine to patients with chronic illness in Covid Spike


Considering the increase in Covid-19 cases in the city, South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) We are ready to provide a month-old drug to patients suffering from chronic illness. SDMC provides medicines to non-Covid patients visiting medical facilities with chronic illnesses.

Citizens’ agencies, at hospitals and health centers, have individual registration counters for suspected Covid patients, individual waiting rooms, individual queues for medical consultations, dedicated lab testing facilities, and free distribution of medicines. We make careful arrangements such as setting up individual counters. Make people aware through IEC activities.

Saturday, Delhi recorded 1,520 fresh Covid cases The positive rate also dropped from 5.28% to 5.10%.

Proper placement was done

All SDMC hospitals and health centers are required to properly place signs on the premises of hospitals and health units. All healthcare professionals / personnel are required to enable healthcare staff (HCW) to follow Covid-related guidelines / standards. They also maintain an adequate inventory of essential medicines such as paracetamol, azithromycin, ORS, levosetilidine, cough medicines, pantosides, and essential medicines such as PPE kits, masks, gloves, disinfectants, liquid soaps and pulse oximeters. Is instructed to do so. It is also in stock to prevent the spread of deadly viruses.

To meet urgent requirements, hospital oxygen supply units and PSA oxygen plants are required to maintain operating mode. A sufficient number of oxygen cylinders and concentrators are available to keep the patient’s supply of oxygen uninterrupted. Recommendations have been made to refer patients with suspected higher viral infections to higher tertiary care node hospitals for further care and treatment.

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Special care for the elderly

Citizen groups prioritize the care of the elderly over the age of 60. If the number of cases of Covid suddenly increases, the elderly are more likely to be infected because of their weak immunity. If you take the medicine in advance, you are less likely to get a Covid infection, so you don’t have to go to the hospital.

Citizens’ bodies also require all patients visiting influenza clinics to test their body temperature with an infrared thermometer. Each hospital appoints a node officer whose job is to ensure proper disinfection, infection prevention, and proper management of biomedical waste.

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