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The IIT Mandy team has discovered a molecule that can be used to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The IIT Mandy team has discovered a molecule that can be used to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Mandy have identified drug molecules that can be used to treat diabetes. This molecule, called PK2, can cause the pancreas to release insulin and may be used as an oral drug for diabetes.

IIT Mandy’s research

The research results were published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. This paper was written by Dr. Prosenjit Mondal, an associate professor of the Faculty of Basic Sciences, and co-authored by Professor Subrata Ghosh of the Faculty of Basic Sciences of IIT Mandi and Dr. Sunil Kumar of ICARIASRI in New Delhi. Dr. Budheswar Dehury, ICMR RMRC, Bhubaneswar, Dr. Khyati Girdhar, Shilpa Thakur, Dr. Abhinav Choubey, Dr. Pankaj Gaur, Surbhi Dogra, Dr. Bidisha Biswas of IITMandi, Dr. Durgesh Kumar Dwivedi (Regional Ayurveda Institute (RARI) Gwal)

Explaining the rationale for their research, Ph.D. Prosengit Mondal said

Current medicines such as exenatide and liraglutide used for diabetes are given as injections and are costly and unstable after administration. We aim to find a simpler, cheaper, more effective drug that is stable against both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is associated with inadequate insulin release by pancreatic beta cells in response to blood glucose levels. Insulin release involves many complex biochemical processes.

One such process involves a protein structure called GLP1R that is present in the cell. A hormone molecule called GLP1 that is released after eating a meal binds to GLP1R and causes the release of insulin. Drugs such as exenatide and liraglutide mimic GLP1 and bind to GLP1R to cause insulin release.

To find alternatives to these drugs, the multicenter team first used computer simulation methods to screen for a variety of small molecules that could bind GLP1R.

PK2, PK3, and PK4 had good binding capacity to GLP1R, but because of their excellent solvent solubility, PK2 was subsequently selected. The researchers then synthesized PK2 in the lab for further testing.

Details about the study

Explanation of preliminary investigation, Dr. Khyati Girdhar said:

“First, we tested the binding of PK2 to the GLP1R protein in human cells and found that it could successfully bind to the GLP1R protein, indicating that PK2 can cause insulin release by beta cells. Researchers have discovered that PK2 is rapidly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. This means that PK2 can be used as an oral drug rather than an injection.

In addition, after 2 hours of administration, PK2 was found to be distributed in the liver, kidneys and pancreas of mice, but there was no evidence of it in the heart, lungs or spleen.

There are small amounts in the brain, indicating that molecules may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Circulation disappeared in about 10 hours.

To test the biological effects of PK2, researchers administered PK2 orally to mice with diabetes and measured glucose levels and insulin secretion.

Serum insulin levels in PK2-treated mice increased 6-fold compared to the control group. These discoveries offer hope for cheap oral medicines for diabetics.




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