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A Review of Animal and Human Studies to Identify How Nutrition Affects Aging and Healthy Lifespan-ScienceDaily

A Review of Animal and Human Studies to Identify How Nutrition Affects Aging and Healthy Lifespan-ScienceDaily


Valter London, a professor at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, explores a range of studies, from animal studies to epidemiological studies of human populations, to help scientists find out what nutrition is best for a longer and healthier life. It states that it will be possible to more clearly understand whether it can provide the opportunity for.

In an article containing a literature review published on April 28 cellRozalyn Anderson, co-author of London and the University of Wisconsin, describes the “longevity diet.” This is a multi-pillar approach based on research on various aspects of the diet, from food composition and calorie intake to the length and frequency of fasting periods.

“We investigated the associations between nutrients, fasting, genes, and longevity in short-lived species and linked these associations to clinical and epidemiological studies in humans, including primates and people over 100 years of age.” Said Longo. “By adopting a multi-system and multi-pillar approach based on more than a century of research, we can begin to define a longevity diet that represents a solid foundation for nutritional recommendations and future research.”

What to eat and when to eat for longevity

Longo and Anderson reviewed hundreds of studies on nutrition, disease and longevity in laboratory animals and humans and combined them with their own studies on nutrients and aging. The analysis included general calorie limits, high-fat and low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets, vegetarian and vegetarian diets, and common diets such as the Mediterranean diet.

This article covers a variety of forms, including short-term diets that mimic the body’s fasting response, intermittent fasting (frequent and short-term), and regular fasting (including two or more days of fasting or a diet that mimics fasting). A review of fasting was also included. Twice a month or more). In addition to examining lifespan data from epidemiological studies, the team shares some of these studies with animals and humans that also affect disease risk markers such as insulin, C-reactive proteins, and insulin levels. Associated with specific dietary factors that affect the genetic pathways that regulate lifespan-like growth factor 1, and cholesterol.

The authors found that key features of an optimal diet are moderate to high carbohydrate intake from unrefined sources, low but sufficient protein from predominantly plant-based sources, and about 30 energy demands. It reports that it appears to be enough plant-based fat to provide a percentage. Ideally, all daily meals are served in a window of 11-12 hours, allowing for a daily fasting period. Insulin resistance can also be reduced by repeating a five-day fast or a fast-mimicking diet every three to four months. Longo added, blood pressure and other risk factors for individuals at high risk of illness.

He explained what eating for longevity looks like in real life: “lots of legumes, whole grains, vegetables; some fish; no lean meats or processed meats, very much. Low white meat; low sugar and refined grains; good levels of nuts and olive oil and dark chocolate. “

Next to the longevity diet

According to Longo, the next step in studying longevity food is a study of 500 people in Southern Italy. The longevity diet has both similarities and differences to the Mediterranean-style diet commonly found in the super-aged “blue zone”, including Sardinia, Italy. Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California. Known to many people over the age of 100, the common diet in these communities is often primarily plant-based or pescatarianism and is relatively low in protein. However, longevity diets represent the evolution of these “diets over 100 years old,” Longo explains, limiting food consumption to 12 hours a day and recommending several short fasting periods each year. doing.

In addition to general characteristics, a longevity diet needs to be adapted to an individual based on gender, age, health, and genetics, Longo said. For example, people over the age of 65 may need to increase protein to combat frailty and lean body mass loss. Longo’s own research shows that higher protein levels are better for people over the age of 65, but not optimal for people under the age of 65.

For those who are trying to optimize their diet for longevity, he specializes in nutrition to personalize plans that focus on small changes that can be adopted in life, rather than major changes that cause major harmful losses. When a person who has stated that it is important to work with a healthcare provider gives up on a very restricted diet, body fat and lean body mass will be reduced and lost fat will be restored.

“Longevity diet is a lifestyle that focuses on delaying aging, not dietary restrictions solely for weight loss, complementing standard health care and, as a preventative measure, avoiding morbidity. It helps maintain the health of the elderly, “he says. He said.

The article “Nutrition, Lifespan, Disease: From Molecular Mechanisms to Interventions” was co-authored by Professor Rosalin M. Anderson of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and School of Public Health. This work was partially supported by the Longo Award. This includes the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (IG # 17605 and IG # 21820.), The Breast Cancer Research Program (US Department of Defense) BC161452 grant, and the National Institute. About Aging-National Institute of Health grants P01AG055369. Anderson is supported by NIH-NIA RF1AG057408, R01AG067330, R01AG074503, Veterans Department Achievement Award BX003846, and Impetus Grants and Simons Foundation. This work was made possible with the support of William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.

Longo is the founder and owner of L-Nutra. The company’s food is used to study diets that mimic fasting. London’s interest in L-Nutra was disclosed and controlled in accordance with USC’s Conflict of Interest Policy. USC owns L-Nutra and may receive royalty payments from L-Nutra. USC’s financial interests in the company are disclosed and controlled under USC’s institutional conflict of interest policy.




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