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Cases of hepatitis in children are a concern in the United States, the CDC says Covid is not a factor

Cases of hepatitis in children are a concern in the United States, the CDC says Covid is not a factor


Some tough in the case of Reports reported in the United States have raised great concern from health authorities and parents, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has excluded Covid-19 as a factor in these cases.

9 tough in the case of From October 2021 to February 2022, seven girls and two boys were reported in Alabama at ages from 1 month to 6 years, according to Xinhua News Agency.

These cases were the first to draw attention to liver disease. In the United States.

All blood samples from 9 children were adenovirus positive. None of them had a history of Covid-19 infection and had not received the Covid-19 vaccine, according to the latest CDC report.

Prior to admission, some children reported vomiting, diarrhea, and upper respiratory tract symptoms. According to the CDC, some people had scleral attacks, hepatomegaly, jaundice, and encephalopathy at the time of admission.

Three children suffered from liver failure and two needed a liver transplant. They have recovered or are recovering.

All patients The CDC also ruled out several other causes of childhood hepatitis and infections, including autoimmune hepatitis, Wilson’s disease, bacterialemia, and urinary tract infections.

The CDC stated that adenovirus may be the cause of these reported cases, but other potential environmental and contextual factors are still under investigation.

According to a NBC News report, about 12 cases are currently being investigated in eight other states. One is Delaware, the other is Louisiana, three are Illinois, two are North Carolina, and four are Wisconsin.

The Tennessee Department of Health said there were six cases. The Georgia and New York State Departments of Health also said they were investigating “a handful” of potential cases.

According to the CDC, the case group suggests that adenovirus should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unexplained acute hepatitis, along with cases that may have recently been identified in Europe.

Adenovirus type 41 spreads primarily through the fecal-oral route and mainly affects the intestines. According to the CDC, this is a common cause of acute pediatric gastroenteritis, typically with diarrhea, vomiting, and fever, often with respiratory symptoms.

According to the CDC, adenovirus is recognized as the cause of hepatitis in children with weakened immunity and may be the “unrecognized” cause of liver damage in healthy children.

Authorities are closely monitoring the situation to understand the possible causes of the disease and to identify potential efforts to prevent or mitigate the disease.

The World Health Organization warns doctors around the world to pay attention to cases of such abnormal hepatitis.


int / shs

(Only the headings and images in this report may have been recreated by Business Standard staff. The rest of the content is automatically generated from the syndicated feed.)

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