Most Americans now have Covid-19-but experts predict the next surge

For many vaccinated or previously infected people, knowing close contact with the disease is no more frightening than frustrating.
The tests are getting more and more normal. The mask becomes harder to see.
The number of cases is increasing in the United States, and hospitalizations have increased by 10% since last week. Hopefully the mortality rate will continue to decline.
Most Americans have Covid-19
The data come from an ongoing study of blood samples sent to commercial laboratories across the United States.
At the beginning of December, an estimated 34% of Americans had antibodies. This suggests that the Omicron mutant infected a quarter of the population.
We can assume that Covid-19 will surge
During his appearance on CBS News on Sunday, Birx noted a new increase in Covid-19 cases in South Africa.
“Each of these surges is about 4-6 months apart, indicating that innate immunity is sufficiently weakened in the general population after 4-6 months and a significant surge reoccurs. “Birx said.
Public health officials need to prepare the public and make sure that everyone knows that immunity from infections and vaccinations declines over time, she said.
Must exceed “fully vaccinated” to be “up-to-date”
Public health officials are encouraging most people to get booster shots months after vaccination, but have not updated the definition of “fully vaccinated” to include boosters.
More than three-quarters of the country receive at least one Covid-19 vaccine, but less than one-third. I received a booster.
For this reason, authorities are moving away from the term (“fully vaccinated”) and instead recommending people to stay “up-to-date”. This means getting a booster when you qualify.
- 77.6% of Americans take at least one dose-almost 258 million.
- According to the CDC, 66.2% have received a second dose and are considered “fully vaccinated.”
- 45.8% of fully vaccinated people They received their first booster immunization. (According to CNN’s indicators, a much smaller percentage of the total population (about 30%) is boosted.)
The most durable immunity is given to those who have been vaccinated with the latest vaccines and have been previously infected.
Many doctors say that the vaccine is licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration, so you will get the latest information on the vaccine.
“We need to promote the administration of these vaccines to provide the highest possible level of protection,” Dr. Anand Swaminasan, an emergency physician, told CNN on the weekend.
He argued that we still don’t know much about the disease, and that long Covid cases are worth trying to avoid.
What exactly is Long Covid?
Her long Covid case forced her into early retirement and approached her family-and 20 months later she still has debilitating symptoms.
Howard also spoke with Nick Gute. Nick Gute’s wife, Heidi Ferrer, died of suicide after Covid made her life intolerable for a long time.
It is misunderstood and difficult to diagnose, but symptoms can last for months.
What are you going to move to?
In the same report, McPhillips said the United States was migrating from the pandemic stage of the Covid-19 era, but there is disagreement over what the United States is migrating to.
She wrote: The rise of the BA.2 subvariety and the general unpredictability of the coronavirus leave little knowledge of the future of the pandemic, and the resources needed to fight it.
“Currently things aren’t stable,” said William Hanage, an epidemiologist and associate professor at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. “Even if I don’t think, we’re going to see [another] A big surge, weekly reports, means that if I’m wrong, I can learn about it later and then less about it. “
“We’re not beyond the pandemic. Don’t let anyone misunderstand that the pandemic is over, but we’re at another stage of the pandemic,” Forch said. “We are in the transition phase and hope to move towards more control, economic, social, school-like, etc., that can actually return to some form of normality without completely disrupting society. increase.”
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