Outbreaks of hepatitis in children: what you need to know
May 3, 2022-Acute Global Outbreak hepatitis For children About 200 in total In 16 countries.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified more than 20 severe cases in the United States, especially Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, New York, and North Carolina. In Wisconsin, an infant died of the disease.17 of the global cases Liver transplant..
While severe hepatitis with acute hepatitis Liver failure It is rare in healthy children and the chances of getting hepatitis are very high. Information is the best defense against today’s rare cases.
Understand hepatitis
Hepatitis inflammation of liver It can be caused by an infection, autoimmune disease, or medication.
“The conditions that most people think of are Hepatitis A, B, or C, “said Dr. Michael Klatte, MD, Head of Infectious Diseases Department, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Ohio. “These are certain viral infections that can cause hepatitis.”
Cases of hepatitis can exhibit a variety of symptoms, including: nauseaVomiting, abdominal pain, Dark urineSkin and / or eye yellow discoloration (jaundice), heatWhen Malaise..
“Most of the reported cases of children have vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach acheDr. Norbert Rodriguez Baez, MD, Professor of Pediatrics at the Southwestern Medical Center, University of Texas, and Medical Director of the Hepatology Program at the Children’s Medical Center in Plano, Texas, said.
“Jaundice developed after these symptoms,” he says. “Interestingly, fever was not described as a common symptom in these cases. In addition, all children were previously healthy.”
When a child (or adult) comes to the doctor for liver damage, a hepatologist goes to work to find the cause.
Liver specialists are not only infectious, but also hereditary and Autoimmune diseaseRyan Fisher, MD, Head of Hepatology and Transplantation, Children’s Mercy, Kansas City, Missouri, said. “We also ask and send about working in the lab to discover potential toxins and drugs associated with liver damage. In some cases of severe hepatitis, we cause the cause. I can’t find it. “
In the current batch of pediatric hepatitis cases, researchers are working on the theory that the cause is adenovirus. And it generally circulates from spring to autumn every year.
None of the common causes of the virus, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis E, have been found to infect children in their current outbreak. Instead, in about half of the cases worldwide, doctors have discovered one type of adenovirus, type 41.
Adenovirus spreads through respiratory droplets, close personal contact, and human-touch objects such as appliances and furniture. More than 50 types of adenovirus can infect humans. The most common usually cause respiratory illness, but some cause intestinal symptoms, which is the theme when leading to severe hepatitis.
“The true link between adenovirus infection and cases of severe acute hepatitis in these children is currently under investigation,” says Rodriguez Baez of the UT Southwestern Medical Center.
There have been previous case reports of adenovirus type 41 that causes hepatitis in children with weakened immunity, but doctors have not seen it cause hepatitis in otherwise healthy children.
As research continues, scientists are investigating other health problems as possible causes, including previous COVID infections.
In the United States, none of the affected children had the COVID-19 they knew, Rodriguez-Baez says. Some patients in the UK were infected with COVID, but “the true link between the virus and acute hepatitis has not been established.”
He said the case did not appear to be associated with COVID-19 vaccination because the children had not been vaccinated with them.
What parents need to know
Parents remain extremely vigilant whenever an illness that can have serious consequences for their child is widespread.
Testing for some viruses is available, but it is not practical to do extensive testing when a child becomes ill. Even today, most doctors test for adenovirus only if the child is ill enough to be hospitalized.
“Severe hepatitis that leads to liver failure is very rare,” says Kratt of Dayton Children’s Hospital. “Adenovirus diagnosis should not be reflexively worried about leading to this rare complication.”
Treatment of adenovirus-related hepatitis is almost always supportive, says Fisher of Children’s Mercy.
“Recovery is common, with time and care to meet the needs of the child (for example, intravenous fluids if dehydrated),” he says. “The liver is capable of healing completely and we cannot expect long-term effects after recovery.”
For severe hepatitis, some medications may help, depending on the cause.
If treatment doesn’t help, “there are situations where a liver transplant is needed to avoid death,” Fisher says. “Of the 500-600 liver transplants performed in children each year in the United States, about 10% are performed for severe hepatitis leading to acute liver failure. These current cases are typical of these. We need to see how it affects the number of people. We don’t have enough data to know if these numbers change. “
“Parents need to be aware of their symptoms and contact their primary care provider with any questions or concerns,” says Rodriguez-Baez.
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