Global increase in cases likely caused by the COVID pandemic
The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF report that the number of measles cases around the world could increase significantly. Over 17,000 cases have already been reported worldwide in January and February. Same time last year.. The report cites the low global immunization rates over the past few years as a major factor in this increase. Since measles is a preventable disease, it is worrisome to see more cases.
Measles is a disease caused by infection with measles Measles virusWhen a person with the virus coughs or sneezes, it spreads through the respiratory droplets. Symptoms include fever, cough, red eyes, and rash. Measles is very contagious and The easiest virus to spread It infects humans. It is especially dangerous for children who may develop serious complications (such as pneumonia and swelling of the brain) as a result of measles.
However, measles can be easily prevented with two vaccinations, which are usually given by the time the child is four years old. This vaccine provides lifelong protection against measles. In places where measles vaccination is common Low number of infections and deaths.. Nevertheless, measles cases are still found in almost every country in the world.
According to the report, cases are increasing most rapidly in countries with the lowest immunization rates in the world. The countries with the largest increase in cases last year were Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Ethiopia. In these countries, only 46-68% of the population is vaccinated against measles. It is usually recommended that 95% of the population need to be vaccinated to protect their children.
Low immunization rates in many of these countries can be due to a variety of factors, including low investment in health systems, conflicts and natural disasters that disrupt vaccination programs. However, the pandemic only exacerbated the deployment of the measles vaccine as such health programs were discontinued and more money and effort was diverted to the COVID-19 vaccination program. This means that many children did not receive the first or second dose of measles vaccine during the pandemic. This makes it even more difficult to reduce the outbreak and stop the spread of this virus.
Other reasons, such as ongoing conflicts and refugee migration, also make it difficult to track patients and administer twice on time. In infectious diseases such as measles, these can spread rapidly to crowded camps and homes, making immunization even more important.
Increasing global cases
WHO reports that cases are increasing in almost every country in the world, including the United Kingdom.
In 2019, 119 of the 194 WHO member countries were vaccinated with an initial vaccination rate of over 90%. In 2020, this is Only 75 countries With the largest reduction seen in Netherlands, Armenia, Romania.. In the UK alone About 87% The percentage of people vaccinated against measles varies from region to region, but in some regions, such as London, vaccination rates are only around 75%. This is a similar story in the United States, where the number of cases is increasing despite the occurrence of measles. Declared to be abolished in 2000..
Again, the increase in cases seen in many countries may be due to the low number of vaccines given. Pandemics are one reason for this, but vaccine hesitation is another factor. A Direct relationship Increased hesitation and increased cases of measles have been observed during the increase.
Children and pregnant people are at greatest risk from these increases in measles cases.This is because they are more likely to suffer from serious side effects Measles results.. However, anyone who is not vaccinated is at risk of getting sick. More importantly, they are more likely to pass on the disease to other unvaccinated people they come in contact with.
Given that 95% of the population needs to be vaccinated at both doses to achieve herd immunity, mass vaccination programs are still the best way to counter the increase in cases of measles worldwide. The method. While it is important that these programs secure the necessary funding to provide these vaccines, efforts should be made to educate people about the importance of measles vaccination and the safety of vaccines. May also be important.
Global assistance should also be provided to countries with low immunization rates, especially if they are due to natural disasters or refugee crises. This is especially important given that measles is highly contagious and local outbreaks can spread rapidly around the world.
Given the increase in the number of cases seen earlier this year, the number may continue to increase throughout 2022. This resurrection is just one example of the knock-on effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on other illnesses. The importance of getting regular vaccination programs back on track to prevent further spread of harmful viruses.
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