First shipment of Novavax Covid-19 vaccine arrives in Singapore
Singapore-The first batch of Covid-19 vaccine developed by American biotechnology company Novavax will arrive in Singapore on Wednesday (May 4th) and will be available in 21 locations by the end of the month.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced Wednesday night that the Nuvaxovid vaccine will be offered at the first joint testing and vaccination center at the former Bishan Park Middle School, and at the end of May there will be 20 Public Health Preparation Clinics (PHPCs). .. ..
Nuvaxovid Vaccines for protein-based or protein subunits.
Vaccine based on mRNA technology, Pfizer-BioNTech / Commanty, Moderna Jab, and others teach the cells of the body to make copies of viruses-specific proteins using viral materials, thus increasing resistance to the virus.
Protein-based vaccines, on the other hand, contain fragments of the virus. When a person is vaccinated with them, their bodies realize that the protein should not be there and make antibodies to fight it.
The results of several clinical studies have shown that Nuvaxovid has demonstrated Approximately 90% vaccine efficacy For symptomatic Covid-19. Meanwhile, Pfizer-BioNTech / Commanty and Moderna jabs have shown approximately 95% vaccine efficacy.
The Joint Testing and Immunization Center, scheduled to go live at the end of the month, will be a new class of facility offering both Covid-19 testing and vaccination services in one place.
“(Center) enables us to integrate our resources while ensuring that testing and vaccination services remain accessible to the general public,” MOH said.
The ministry added that it is working with selected PHPCs to provide the Nuvaxovid vaccine and will announce details in the coming weeks.
A joint trial and vaccination center was announced last month and MOH announced that it would integrate its resources into several such centers.
This is because more Covid-19 vaccination centers will be inactive in the coming months and the number of Covid-19 doses given in the last few weeks will steadily decrease.
On February 14, the Multi-Ministry Task Force working on Covid-19 accepted the recommendations of the Expert Committee on Covid-19 Vaccination (EC19V). Include Nuvaxovid vaccine in national vaccination program For use by individuals over the age of 18, it is used for both the Covid-19 primary series and booster vaccination.
The Committee of Experts recommended the Nuvaxovid vaccine as an acceptable alternative to the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine in individuals over the age of 18.
RNA vaccines such as those provided by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech Still the preferred vaccine Because of their higher potency and the stronger immune response produced.
MOH said EC19V reviewed data on vaccine safety, efficacy, and tolerability.
“Boosters and vaccination will continue to be an important part of our Covid-19 strategy in ensuring that our population is adequately protected from infection and severe illness,” MOH said. I did.
“We encourage everyone who is eligible for vaccination and booster immunization to receive them as soon as possible.”
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