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Almost three times as many hospitalizations a month – NBC New York

Almost three times as many hospitalizations a month – NBC New York


new york COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Only one because the number of hospitalizations exceeded 2,000 for the first time since late February on Tuesday and a highly contagious variant of Omicron has caused a plea for new alerts from local and national officials. It has almost tripled in the month.

At the time of the latest update of Governor Kathy Hokul, 2,050 New Yorkers were infected with COVID in 10 regions of the state, up 145% on April 1 alone, but were noted at the peak of the January surge. Well below about 13,000.

According to state data, the COVID infection rate per 100,000 New Yorkers more than doubled from 4.54 to 9.58 during the same period, and Finger Lakes has a COVID infection rate of 27.86 per 100,000 inhabitants for seven people. We are promoting the latest increase. Day rolling base. And while only 48.6% of COVID patients admitted across the state were admitted for that reason, that number withstands surveillance.

The percentage of COVID patients admitted to central New York, who promoted an increase in New York’s COVID a few weeks ago, is 65.2%, for example, much higher than the state average.At that time, the health authorities The increase in overall infection was attributed to a higher prevalence than the national average of the Omicron submutants BA.2.12.1 and BA.2.12...

Now, the former, New preprint, according to unpeer-reviewed research It is 25% more contagious than the “essentially more contagious” Omicron BA.2 subvariant that came before it. It is estimated to account for up to 70% of all viruses circulating in the CDC region, including the Empire State.Another weekly increase in prevalence.

By comparison, the upper limit of the CDC estimate for the national prevalence of BA.2.12.1 is 45%, and BA.2 is still believed to cause the majority of cases throughout the United States. And the potential trickle-down effect in New York may have already been realized.


Rolling COVID infection rates in central New York have been flat or declining, but core COVID indicators have risen in other regions, such as New York City and Long Island, where virus rates have continued to decline.

The five districts currently have the highest COVID hospitalization rates per 100,000 inhabitants since early March, which remains fairly low (5.7 on a rolling basis), but if infection rates continue to rise, they will be very high in the coming weeks. May rise well.

Earlier this week, the city’s health authorities said Increased COVID alert level to moderate Because the number of cases exceeded 200 per 100,000 in 5 autonomous regions. It was the first time the health department had adjusted that level since then. Debut of new system It was under the control of Mayor Eric Adams earlier this year.

The two districts of Manhattan and Staten Island are also considered by the CDC to be medium-risk COVID counties. Out of 56 US counties As of Wednesday, it has been designated as a high-risk CDC, with more than half in New York.

So far, there is no scientific evidence linking BA.2.12.1 to more severe COVID-related illnesses or reduced vaccine efficacy, but the increased contagiousness is clear.

The city will not implement (or reimplement) the new COVID protocol at this point, but at higher alert levels (the highest of the three offered by health authorities), indoors for all, regardless of vaccination. Face mask is required You can go back.

For now, New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan says New Yorkers should be more careful than in the past few weeks-and those who are at high risk of serious illness from COVID for some reason. It is advisable to consider avoiding congestion, indoor meetings and other high-risk situations.

“The next few weeks are important to delay the spread of COVID-19 and return to low-risk levels so that we can enjoy spring more safely,” Vasan said on Monday. “And remember that the steps you take to protect yourself also protect others, especially the most vulnerable. As a city, we have the tools we need to defeat this virus. We have. As New Yorkers, we are together. By incorporating these steps, we can continue to care for each other and for ourselves in our daily lives. . “

CDC too Repeated mask recommendations for travel a day agoCiting the current COVID diffusion rate and expected trends in the decision-making process.

Subvariants BA.4 and BA.5As early data suggest, it is less contagious than BA.2.12.1 but more contagious than BA.2 and is prevalent in South Africa and Europe, but results in the United States show. Not yet detected.

According to the CDC, less than 1% of the more than 81 million COVID infections that have occurred in the country have been sequenced to isolate variants.




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