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The state has recorded the largest increase in COVID cases since February. 148 hospitalizations in 5 days | Coronavirus

The state has recorded the largest increase in COVID cases since February. 148 hospitalizations in 5 days | Coronavirus



2,615 new COVID-19 infections were reported across the state on Wednesday, the largest increase of one day since February 23.

February was the 10th most infected and 6th deadly month of the 27-month pandemic.

COVID-19 hospitalizations across the state have increased by 148 over the past five days and by 323 since April 9, according to data provided by the State Department of Health (DOH).

The state added 27 new hospitalizations to the list on Wednesday. The total number of valleys, which exceeded 20 for the first time since April 1st on Tuesday, remained stagnant at 21.

In the valley, there were 46 new cases, the second largest daily increase since February 25. Northumberland County reported 28 new cases, Snyder County 9 cases, Montur 7 cases, and Union County 2 cases.

The state has recorded at least 1,072 cases daily for 16 consecutive days starting April 19th, and has recorded at least 2,000 cases seven times during that period.

There were 20 new deaths associated with COVID-19 across the state, reaching 54 in two days. The state was the first to record more than 20 deaths in a row since early April. No inhabitants of the valley died. Since April 21, only two people have died from the virus in the valley.

The 7-day moving average of new cases in the state increased again to 2,133. It was the highest average since February 25th. On March 31, the state averaged 585 cases over the past seven days.

According to the latest data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Friday, the community level of COVID-19 remained low in all four Valley County.

Last week, infectious diseases in Pennsylvania increased by 31%, deaths decreased by 36%, and hospitalizations increased by 29%, according to data tracked by the CDC and Johns Hopkins University. Nationally, the number of cases increased by 26% and the number of deaths decreased by 8%.

Nationally, hospitalizations increased by 4 percent last week.

According to the latest CDC data updated on Friday, 64 of the 67 counties in Pennsylvania had low levels of COVID-19 (including all four in the valley). Sullivan, Susquehanna and Bradford were all at a high level. Nationally, there were 56 counties with high COVID levels, 258 counties with moderate levels, and 2,910 counties with low levels. Over 90% of counties had low COVID-19 levels across the United States.

The CDC is a combination of three indicators: new COVID-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 population over the last 7 days, the percentage of manned hospital beds among COVID-19 patients, and the total of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people in the last 7 days. To find out. 7th — COVID-19 Determines community level.

The CDC reported on Wednesday that 78% of Pennsylvania over the age of 18 were fully vaccinated and 68.5% of all residents were fully vaccinated.


As of noon on Wednesday, there were 758 COVID infections across the state, an increase of 27 per day, and at least 18 new hospitalizations across the state for the fifth consecutive day.

There were 81 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), 3 were reduced, 36 were ventilated, and 5 were reduced.

The same number of 21 patients reported on Tuesday were hospitalized locally. The last time there were more than 20 local COVID patients was April 1. There were 17 patients in Danville’s Gaisinger, 1 in Gaisinger Shamokin, and 3 in the Evangelical Community Hospital.

Two COVID patients on Geisinger’s main campus were being treated in the ICU and two were on mechanical ventilation.

State facilities, prisons

Twenty-eight prisoners were active in Allenwood’s US Prison (USP) on Wednesday, with the same number reported since Saturday. There were no staff cases at the facility, and there were no active cases at the other two Allenwood Federal Prison facilities or USP Lewisberg.

The Lewisberg and Allenwood federal prisons were at Level 3 operational level of COVID mitigation. As of Wednesday, there were 41 federal prisons at level 1 (minimum) nationwide, 28 at level 2 and 29 at level 3.

The operational level of the facility (Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3) is based on the facility’s COVID-19 medical isolation rate, the total percentage of completed vaccination series of staff and prisoners, and the infection rate in each county. increase.

According to the Human Services Department (DHS), there were 17 COVID cases at Danville State Hospital. As of Wednesday, there were 7 cases between clients and 10 cases by staff, all new on Tuesday. The Serin’s Grove Center also had an incident with at least one resident and at least one staff member, which was also renewed on Tuesday. According to DHS, there were no active cases in either the male or female units of the North Central Secure Treatment Unit.

According to the State Department, there were no active incidents at the state correctional facilities in Coal Township. Across the state, there were 22 prisoner cases (including 14 at SCI-Cambria) and an additional 37 staff cases, with an increase of 4 staff cases on Wednesday. Throughout the state, there were cases of prisoners in four prisons and cases of staff in 15 prisons.




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