I want to return to HRT at 71:00 to prevent dementia! Write JENNI MURRAY
For years, I’ve been afraid of HRT and have often warned others about paying close attention before continuing with it. When I heard the words “Are you taking HRT?” In 2006, I was sitting in front of a breast cancer consultant. I answered “yes”. “I’ve been taking it for 10 years. When I started, I was 46 years old and menopausal.
“Stop,” he said immediately. “Your cancer is an estrogen receptor, so it’s not safe to take it.”
I’m 71 years old and I’ve read all the studies described in Davina McCall’s latest documentary, Sex, Mind, and Menopause. Channel 4 Earlier this week.
The most interesting was the link found between HRT and the prevention of the most scaring condition for my age group: Alzheimer’s disease, dementia Other neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.
Jenny Murray encourages women to think about the risk of breast cancer from HRT. Jenni explores the link between HRT and the prevention of the most scary conditions for her age group. She has other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.
Women who have taken HRT for more than 6 years are 79% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and 77% less likely to develop dementia, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease, according to a study conducted in the United States. I found out. Caused her death in her mother’s life and at the age of 80.
Well, I thought it wouldn’t be too late to stop hot flashes, make the skin look fresh and healthy, make the hair thick and shiny, and return to a drug that bounces with endless energy.
Of course, I wasn’t going to claim a prescription without my research. Studies such as those conducted on nearly 400,000 US women are not entirely reliable. Perhaps the women who could afford HRT at expensive American medical services were wealthy, nutritious and healthy.
Similarly, I have full confidence in research programs such as those in New York and Arizona that claim that HRT can better protect the menopausal brain if prescribed earlier than common practice. is not. I would like to know exactly who funded the research. Is it possible that a pharmaceutical company was involved in seeing huge profits if all women got angry with HRT?
First, I spoke to Dr. Martin Scurr, an excellent GP columnist at Mail. From his experience, he has seen many patients improve their lives and has become quite enthusiastic about HRT. He didn’t know why a woman in her 70s should be rejected, and reminded me that Barbara Cartland was doing very well with it until her death at the age of 98.
The age he felt shouldn’t be a barrier … breast cancer? Given that 16 years have passed since a relapse-free mastectomy, he thought it might be safe, but I need to talk to my doctor first.
Jenni (pictured) told many health professionals that women over the age of 70 were doing well with HRT medications. However, Heather Currie, founder of Menopause Matters, said there was not enough evidence to recommend taking him to a dementia ward.
My own GP wasn’t available (surprise, surprise!), So I contacted Gynecologist Heather Currie, the founder of Menopause Matters. In her analysis, early initiation of HRT may be beneficial in connection with Alzheimer’s disease, but there is no strong evidence to recommend taking HRT for this reason alone.
“The indications for taking HRT remain the same as before … for the treatment or prevention of symptoms of premature menopause or primary ovarian insufficiency, or osteoporosis. In addition, taking HRT after breast cancer is still controversial. There is, “she told me.
Third, I called Professor Nigel Bandred, a surgeon who took care of me through my diagnosis, mastectomy, and subsequent treatment for breast cancer. His view was that I still had a uterus and should move away from estrogen-only HRT. I haven’t had breast cancer for years, but I was at significant risk of endometrial cancer.
The combined HRT patch may be fine, but it still carries risks. He did not recommend me to take the easy steps and protect my brain by repelling pills and patches. “If I remember correctly, there’s nothing wrong with your brain. The best way to fight Alzheimer’s disease is to keep going.
“Lose weight, avoid eating too much lean meat, try fasting low-calorie diets from time to time, and try to exercise. The most important thing is to keep your brain active. Use it. Please, don’t lose it. There is no objection to older women taking HRT, but not if breast cancer is in the picture. There is no point in trying it again. . ”
He is right. Maybe I’ve been taking HRT for 10 years before cancer, giving me the opportunity to protect my brain, but it’s ridiculous and potentially dangerous for the drug to dismiss the risks associated with breast cancer.
There is no doubt that there is no age limit for HRT prescriptions. Baby boomers who feel they will benefit need to discuss their case with their doctor.
However, think twice. Mastectomy is not fun at all. So that’s what I’m taking with the advice of a good old doctor. Diet, exercise, and toning your brain. I wish you success.
TV requires Queen of Mean
Jenny says she understands why Anne Robinson, 77, (pictured) is looking forward to spending time in New York and with her grandchildren after leaving the countdown.
I’m sorry to see Anne Robinson leave the countdown just a year later. I like Queen of Mean, but when she was 77, she looks forward to spending time in her New York apartment and in the garden with her grandchildren. She’s right, there should be an older female presenter. The man seems to survive on the screen. Why can’t I see a woman who looks like us on TV? Gray with knitting needles and tea, not stuck at home?
MP?Tons of completely rotten apples
At least 56 MPs are facing allegations of sexual misconduct. Although it is called Pestminster, business secretary Kwasi Kwaten denied the culture of misogyny and said it was just a few “bad apples.” I think you’ve heard of it.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, a unit of Cressida Dick, recorded 530 complaints between 2016 and 2020. Congress and Police — Men we should be able to trust. It’s not just “bad”, it’s not “minority”. It’s a ton of completely rotten apples.
- I am always grateful for the intellectual rigor of my grammar school, Barnsley Girls High, in Yorkshire. Sadly, the school no longer exists. MP Jonathan Garris says there is no grammar in the northeast. To level up, you need to reintroduce the grammar to give every child a chance.
When my refugee met my Russian neighbor
Zoryana and Ustym’s Jenni.Jenny was nervous about her mother and her son Ukrainian refugees meeting a Russian neighbor
The other day, I was nervous when I got out of the car with Ukrainian refugees Zoriana and Ustim. Victor, one of my favorite neighbors, was on a quiet little London street a few yards away.
He is the one I can always ask for help in a DIY job and is a computer savvy person. My anxiety was because he and his wife, Masha, were Russian. Our encounter was inevitable. There was only one way to deal with this potentially catastrophic meeting. I called Victor “Hello”. It seemed best to give a proper introduction.
I don’t know what they said to each other. They spoke Russian. There was a handshake — and a smile. He told Zoriana in English that he was always coming to help. I felt such a relief — and hope that humanity will eventually win.
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