If I have used Omicron before, is it safe from infection by new variants?

When it comes to Omicron, there is one thing that is certain for bioinformatics Shishi Luo. That is another surge.
This is due to the emergence of a new version of Omicron. Not just here in the United States, but in other parts of the world, such as South Africa.
These new variants have a series of important mutations that allow them to spread even faster than previous versions of Omicron.
So people are wondering: If I had Omicron once, can I get it again?
Two preliminary surveys published online this week are now beginning to answer that question. And the results show how quickly Omicron can mutate and overcome the defenses of the immune system.
Subspecies situation in the US and South Africa
Before we dive into the study, let’s take a look at what these variants are doing in the United States and South Africa.
In the United States, a new version of Omicron called BA.2.12.1 Appeared Incidents surged in central New York last month. BA.2.12.1 is now found nationwide and spreads about 50% faster each week than Omicron BA.2, which was the predominant US variant.
“How is this? [new] Variants are currently rising in the United States and will definitely dominate here, “says Luo. How big is the bump? I don’t know the answer. It really depends on what people do. ”
In South Africa, two of these new Omicron variants, known as BA.4 and BA.5, are causing the wave of the fifth case. In the last two weeks, the number of cases has almost quadrupled from about 1,200 per day to 4,600 per day. And the positive rate jumped from about 8% to 18%.
Omicron is a “master player”
These new variants show how smart Omicron is.
“Omicron is a master player in terms of its ability to evade antibody activity, which is much more efficient than all previous variants,” says virologists. Pay Young Sea At the University of Texas School of Medicine in Galveston, who was not involved in the newly published study. “As in this case, you need just a significant mutation that can completely turn things over.”
Two new studies are suddenly beginning to explain why these new variants have begun to spread rapidly. The answer is summarized in one key factor: those mutations allow them to reinfect people who already have Omicron infection. The risk of this reinfection may be higher in unvaccinated people.
In the study, researchers took blood from people infected with the original Omicron variant BA.1 and investigated whether antibodies in the blood could neutralize new versions of Omicron, including those that appeared in New York. (BA.2.12 .2) or two variants (BA.4 and BA.5) that are proliferating in South Africa.
Everyone infected with Omicron BA.1 had antibodies that could neutralize BA.1. However, its potency was dramatically reduced for the new variants (BA.2.12.2, BA.4, and BA.5). And how much it decreased depended heavily on whether people were vaccinated.
Both studies reported that for unvaccinated people, the ability of antibodies to neutralize BA.4 and BA.5 was reduced by almost 8-fold compared to their activity against BA.1. increase.
“Neutralization ability … very low after BA.4 / 5” Immunologist Alex SegalLed one of the studies, I have written On Twitter. Researchers at Peking University reported that the efficacy was about four-fold lower than BA.2.12.1.
“In summary, our results show that Omicron can evolve mutations and specifically avoid BA.1 -induced immunity. [omicron] Infectious diseases “, biophysicist Sunny Xie And his colleague at Peking University write In one of the studies.
What you can and cannot do with vaccines
“The situation was better for the groundbreaking vaccinated cases,” added Cigar of the African Institute of Health. For people immunized with either the Pfizer vaccine or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the neutralizing capacity was only 3-fold reduced against BA.4 and BA.5 compared to its efficacy against BA.1. These people also had more neutralizing capacity for BA.1 in the first place. Thus, in the end, it was on average about five times more effective in neutralizing new mutants than those who were not vaccinated prior to infection.
“The data have repeatedly shown that vaccines still offer tremendous benefits,” says Pei-Yong Shi, a virologist in Galveston, Texas.
Nonetheless, Sigal believes that this diminished antibody potency is sufficient to “cause problems and lead to a wave of infection,” as in South Africa, where only about one-third of the population is immunized. I am.
Bioinformatics engineer Tuliode Oliveria I accept. “The previous Omicron BA.1 infection is not enough to prevent a second infection of BA.4 and BA.5,” said de Oliveria at the Epidemic Response and Innovation Center in Durban. .. I have written On Twitter.
“Some scientists and science communicators are convinced that new varieties are needed to create a new wave,” added de Oliveira. “Delta caused long waves in multiple systems. Omicron caused waves in BA.1, BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, BA.5.”
Both BA.4 and BA.5 are very rare here in the United States. No one knows if it can compete with BA.2.12.2. account The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates about one-third of all cases in the United States. “The case of BA.2.12.2 is increasing exponentially,” he said. Helix’s Shishi Luo.. “Depending on the rate of its exponential growth, we can see a very rapid increase in cases nationwide next month or so.”

For several months, COVID-19 appeared to be retreating in the United States. The daily number of cases has declined nationwide, the lowest since last summer. However, the case of COVID is now being revisited, and scientists are concerned that new variants could cause another surge.
Michaeleen Doucleff from NPR will tell you that. Hey, Mika Erine.
Byline Duckleph, Byline: Hello Ali.
Shapiro: The number of cases is still small across the United States, but what are the new variants scientists are concerned about? What do they know about it?
Daklev: Yeah. So, about a month ago, New York experienced a small surge, especially in the central part of the state. And health officials realized that the cause of the surge was a new variety. It has a complicated name. It is called BA.2.12.1. It’s a bite. And it’s a new version of Omicron. Basically, the Omicron variant picked up some mutations that helped it spread faster, about 50% faster than previous versions.
Shapiro: So where is it now and how likely is this to cause another surge?
Daklev: Yes, it’s most common in New York, New Jersey, and the Mid-Atlantic countries, but it’s nationwide. And given the current trajectory, it could dominate the outbreak here in the United States within a month or so.
I was talking to Shishi Luo about it in terms of whether it would cause another wave. She is Helix’s bioinformatics engineer tracking variants across the country. She says there is little doubt that this new variant will cause a surge in cases.
SHISHI LUO: The current orbit is growing, and we can see an increase in new cases and an increase in wastewater levels. So I think the question is how high it will be before it peaks. I don’t know the answer. It really depends on the behavior of the people and the weather it is the size of a kind of bump.
Daklev: So, she says, this upheaval or surge she’s talking about will probably happen in about a month or two.
Shapiro: So if last summer’s vacation was all about Delta Variant vacations, are you saying this summer will be BA.2.12.1?
Daklev: Yes. It may be given a different name by then, but that’s right. And, as you know, this prediction is supported by what is happening in South Africa today. There are new varieties in that country-or two varieties very similar to those here in the United States and it’s already causing a surge there. And the United States tends to be about six weeks behind that country. Fortunately, however, scientists don’t expect this next wave to be as big as last summer’s surge.
Shapiro: But if half of the Americans caught Omicron last winter and so many Americans were vaccinated, which version of Omicron would be when so many Americans were protected. Can it cause a surge?
Daklev: That’s a really great question. And two preliminary studies coming out this week begin to answer that. And these studies have found here in both the United States and South Africa that these new versions of Omicron make it possible to overcome or circumvent the immune protection created by previous infections with Omicron. It means that I picked up the mutation of. Therefore, these new variants can reinfect people who already have Omicron.
I was talking to Pay Yong Shi about this. He is a virologist at the University of Texas School of Medicine in Galveston. He says Omicron is really unique because it has an incredible ability to change or evolve in a way that allows it to zoom past the immune system, and it does this very quickly.
PEI-YONG SHI: Omicron is a master player when it comes to the ability to evade antibodies. This is much more efficient than all previous variants. For example, in this case, you may need one important mutation that can completely change the situation.
Daklev: However, Sea emphasized that there are no signs that this new variant causes a more serious illness compared to the previous Omicron.
Shapiro: That’s good news. How effective is the vaccine against this new variant?
Daklev: As you know, vaccines generally do not provide much protection against infection, especially in the long run. However, scientists still believe that they provide excellent protection against serious illness and hospitalization. But you need a booster. In other words, you need to get the mRNA vaccine three times. Also, if you are over 50 years of age, health authorities recommend that you receive a fourth dose or a second booster about 4 months after the first dose. This provides a little more protection against severe illness, especially at high risk. So Ali, really, the hope here, you know, is probably at some point, perhaps this summer, when the number of cases will surge again, but as you said, the majority of Americans. Is currently having some protection, so hospitalization will not occur.
Shapiro: I’m looking forward to it. NPR’s Maikerinda Clef. Thank you for updating.
Daklev: Thank you, Ali. Copyright NPR, a transcript provided by NPR.
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