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Researchers have found a way to listen to conversations using the vibration of a light bulb


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screenshot: Ben Gurion University Cyber ​​Security Lab (YouTube)

As if it wasn’t stressful in 2020, Ben Gurion University The Wiseman Institute of Science has figured out how to listen in the room, using far less than $1,000 of equipment, even at a distance. Measure subtle light changes In the room caused by the sound waves that vibrate the light bulb.

There are already many ways to spy on what is said in the room From a distance. Electronic bug, smartphone Computer hardware compromised with malware, and even lasers aimed at Windows, can silently hear private conversations without your knowledge. But most of the time These approaches require physical or electronic access to a room or facility, which can potentially be detected, limiting its effectiveness and practicality.

this New approachNamed by the researchers Ramphon, Is effective from a distance, and actually requires a peek into the room through the window. Oh, and Someone has leave Lights up.. Lamphone’s equipment includes a laptop for signal processing, a telescope that provides a magnified close-up of a room hundreds of feet away, and an electro-optic sensor that simply converts light into an electrical signal.

If you are in a room illuminated by a hanging luminaire that accidentally hits or goes in, the room’s lighting changes dramatically while the light bulb sways back and forth. This research relies on changes in lighting, but we are looking for subtle changes that the human eye cannot perceive. If the sound waves created in the room hit a pendant luminaire, they can be moved, but the distance is negligible. Humans may not notice it, but high sensitivity detectors do.

In an experiment with three different telescopes with different lens diameters from a distance of 25 meters (a little over 82 feet), researchers were able to capture the sound being played in a remote room containing the Beatles. let it be, This is President Trump’s speech, which Shazam can distinguish enough to recognize it and Google’s voice recognition API can successfully transliterate it. Researchers with more powerful telescopes and more sensitive A / D converters believe that eavesdropping distances can be even longer.

The type of light bulb used in the room doesn’t matter, but how effective this technology is with permanently mounted lighting, such as fluorescent and sitting light bulbs, which can make your office life very boring. It is not clear what is on the table. If you’re particularly obsessed with this study, turn off all chandeliers and leave your reading lights and all screen glows to illuminate your home.


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