DRC: Ebola Outbreak-Emergency Action Plan (EPoA), DREFn ° MDRCD036-Democratic Republic of the Congo
A. Situation analysis
Explanation of the disaster
In a statement issued on April 23, 2022, the Minister of Public Health and Prevention said: Notify positive cases of Ebola virus disease, This indicates a recurrence of the outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Ecatal. This is the 14th outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 1976.
This new outbreak of the Ebola virus occurred in the health zone of Wangata in the city of Mbandaka. According to authorities, the case is a 31-year-old student admitted to Wangata General Hospital on April 19, 2022. The patient died of bleeding on April 21 at the Ebola Treatment Center (ETC) at the Wangata General Referral Hospital (HGR). Blood samples and swabs were taken on the same day by the HGR Wangata team. When tested with Mbandaka and ETC Wangata, both samples returned positive. They were sent to Kinshasa’s National Institute of Biomedical Sciences (INRB) for quality control, and they again tested positive for the Ebola virus.
According to the case description, the story dates back to April 5, 2022, when the student had a fever and a headache. Assuming he had simple malaria, he received unsuccessful home care. On April 16, after a persistent fever, he developed physical asthenia and vomiting and spent three days at the Bonghisa Ribota Health Center before being transferred to HGR Wangata. According to the patient and his family’s statement, the pollution hypothesis is not related to the known concept of contact with deceased animals or patients.
A preliminary list of 145 contacts in and around Mbandaka City will be implemented. This includes caregivers, visitors, family members, and other patients admitted to the same center as cases identified during the same period.
The city of Mbandaka is the capital of Equator and is subdivided into three health zones (Mbandaka has 15 health areas, Wangata has 11 health areas and Bolenge has 11 health areas). The city of Mbandaka has a waterway across the Congo River, 400 km from Boromba with four contacts, 280 km from Injand where another suspicious contact was found, 700 km from the national capital Kinshasa, and from Kisangani. It is located 1,000 km away. , And across the river from the Republic of the Congo / Brazzaville.
The epicenter was in the Wangata Health Zone, and positive cases were found in the Bosonba Health Area.
According to the Ministry of Health at the State Coordinating Conference on April 26, the epidemiological situation is as follows:
The city of Mubandaka has many communications and mobile infrastructures with mobile networks such as community and commercial radio, television channels, Airtel, Vodacom and Orange, which are sources of interaction between information and people. Most mass media, including community radio, have supported previous EVD response activities and promoted precautions and care through interactive programs, in addition to helping those who have recovered to better reintegrate the community. rice field. However, the city of Mbandaka has low access to electricity, and the use of generators is a common practice in traditional media. Radio is one of the reliable sources of information for the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city of Mbandaka is also the center of trade with several cities in the country along the Congo River (Kinshasa, Kisangani, Lisala, Boende) and neighboring countries such as the Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic.
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