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CDC Posts Long-Awaited Tips To Minimize Daily Risk


But the guidelines are “not intended to approve specific types of events,” said CDC Dr. Jay Butler in a phone call with reporters Friday.

He added that staging and attendance of such events should be consistent with what the local health authorities have advised, based on the spread of coronaviruses in certain communities.

Guidelines have long been delayed, some health professionals say.

Julia Marcus, an infectious disease researcher at Harvard Medical School, has likened home-care suggestions to a “abstinence only” message and sought advice for people to minimize their risk. She said she was pleased with the CDC tips.

“I think it’s a big step in the right direction,” Marcus said. “These guidelines are really aimed at Americans trying to make risk decisions every day.”

But there is a noticeable dropout. There are no precautions to take before going to church, no guidance on dating or sex, and no clear advice on the topic that some doctors are always asking: giving children to their grandparents. Is it okay to take me with you?

“Visiting grandma is something you need to work on three times a week,” said Dr William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University.

“My empathy goes to the CDC. It’s very difficult to get the right answer in every situation,” he added.

Following home orders, school closures, and closures, the incidence of new cases has flattened nationwide. In the last few weeks, many states have begun to reopen due to the pressure to reopen the economy affected by the pandemic. According to an analysis by the Associated Press, the number of cases is increasing in almost half of the states.

The CDC publishes many guidelines including churches, camps, schools, transportation and more. But so far, organizations are more specific to those who want to decide on a safer way, such as vacations, trimming, hosting barbecues, going to banks and libraries, eating out, exercising in the gym. No advice is provided.

Other organizations are trying to fill the void, and some have addressed questions that the CDC did not ask.

This week, the New York City Department of Health issued guidelines for having sex during a coronavirus outbreak. The ministry advised people to have sex only with people in their vicinity, rather than with multiple partners. It also proposes to wash your hands before sex and wear a mask in the meantime, “becoming creative with sexual positions and physical barriers like walls, face-to-face contact. Sexual contact while preventing sexual contact.”

Dr. Robert Redfield, director of CDC, called the agency’s new guidelines “common sense suggestions” rather than obligations. State or local governments may again demand more rigorous measures in the event of a new outbreak, a requirement they should make, said CDC officials.

The guidelines repeat previous advice on wearing face coverings, especially if it’s difficult to keep more than 6 feet away from others.

It also provides a list of questions to consider before going out and a list of things to consider in certain situations. For example, house parties are held outdoors, guests are welcomed in waves instead of hugs, and everyone is encouraged to bring their own food and drink.


The Associated Press Health Sciences Department is supported by the Science Education Department of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. AP is solely responsible for all content.


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