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NWT Health Department and Hunter Prepare for Bird Flu

NWT Health Department and Hunter Prepare for Bird Flu


The territorial government Information on public services Earlier this week, we warned people about highly pathogenic strains of bird flu. Experts say the risk to humans is low.

“These words [highly pathogenic] “It always sounds a little scary, but it actually shows that it can spread to poultry,” said Dr. Naima Jusa, territorial wildlife veterinarian and chief veterinarian.

Ducks, geese, seagulls and other wild birds carry bird flu naturally. This particular strain — H5N1 — spread rapidly to domesticated birds on commercial farms in the United States and southern Canada.Nearly two people were mass euthanized due to the outbreak Million chickens Nationwide.

“What we see in the South this year provides us with a great early warning system here in the Northwest Territories,” Jusa said.

Currently, there are no confirmed cases of bird flu in the Northwest Territories, but Jusa said he expects it to change in the coming months as the number of birds moving north in the summer increases.

And when the goose hunting season began in the area, Jusa said that people needed to take special precautions, such as wearing gloves and cleaning equipment after use, to ensure their safety.

View of the streets of Ulukhaktok. A veteran hunter from Ulukhaktok said he was concerned about reporting bird flu. (MacKenzie Scott / CBC)

NWT hunter involved

Spring hunting is an annual tradition for Jack Akia Tak. Akhiatak is an experienced hunter from Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories.

He is excited about the next hunting season.

“Goose, duck, bird-we are always looking forward to any bird,” he said.

He said he began hearing about the virus in the news a few weeks ago in a report of an outbreak in the southern states.

“That made me wake up,” he said. “I was like,’What the hell, they’ll get here, because they’re here.'”

Ducks, geese, seagulls and other wild birds carry bird flu naturally. (Jonathan Coricotte / CBC News)

Akhiatak warned people about bird flu and said he would take special precautions to prevent unknowingly giving sick birds to family and friends.

“When we hunt, we share everything,” he said. “And for all these young hunters these days, they bring all their catch to their grandparents or great-grandparents.

“So it would be very scary to give someone food that is not healthy for you.”

Another veteran hunter from Ulukhaktok, David Kuptana, said he was also concerned about the risks of dealing with birds that could get the bird flu. Especially for children who are learning how to hunt.

“Is it safe enough for younger children to grab? [the birds] With a mitt or something? Because I don’t know what they are carrying. ”

Kuptana said he had seen pictures of sick birds on social media and Facebook.

“There is a goose [in pictures] Some have a bubbling mouth, “he said. So that’s a big thing I’m a little worried about this spring, “he said.

Kuptana is ready to report suspected cases of bird flu to the NWT’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) according to a protocol recommended by the Department of Health.

“I already bought a box of rubber gloves myself in case I encountered such a bird,” he said. “In case you see something like that, you need to put it in a bag and take it to ENR.”

At this point, Jutha is uncertain whether NWT will have the same number of cases as the rest of the country.

“What’s the big picture of what we’re experiencing here in the north and what’s happening around Canada?” She said.

“I don’t have a crystal ball on it, but we know that these birds have a path of travel. We know they cross the territory.”




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