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More than 65,000 people “waiting for cancer diagnosis too long” every month

More than 65,000 people “waiting for cancer diagnosis too long” every month


About 65,400 people every month England According to a new analysis from Cancer Research UK, it takes too long to find out if they have cancer.

A new goal introduced last fall states that if people are diagnosed with an illness or are picked up by GP emergency referrals, breast condition referrals, or screening, they should be excluded within 28 days. I have.

The goal is for 75% of these people to have either a cancer diagnosis or a complete clear within a month, but Cancer Research UK analysis shows that this goal has not been achieved since it was introduced. not. Although there are fluctuations, it was 74% in February.

The NHS trusts the UK out of 143 cases and meets cancer standards. “data-source =” “>

According to Cancer Research UK, even if the goal is achieved, we will have to wait each month to find out if 55,000 people are ill.

data There are also significant fluctuations across the UK. Only 78 of the 143 hospitals meet the criteria of 75%.

Cancer Research UK said people are failing due to the system. The system lacks the ability to deal with the number that needs to be seen.

In addition, due to the chronic shortage of specialists throughout the NHS, the target is set low.

The government must take this opportunity to provide it to millions of people affected by cancer.

Michelle Mitchell, Cancer Research UK

Expert To tell government If we want to improve diagnosis and survival by raising our goal to 95%, we must be more ambitious in our next 10-year cancer plan.

In response, Cancer Research UK says that about 54,300 more people will be diagnosed or ruled out of cancer within 28 days each month.

Michelle Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer of the Charity, said: Also, we should not support variations that exist nationwide.

“The government must take this opportunity to provide it to millions of people affected by cancer.

Strong planning and sustainable investment in building a cancer workforce suitable for the future have allowed us to diagnose people faster and earlier.

Charles Swanton, Cancer Research UK

“Ambitious goals, a credible plan to reach them, and clear accountability allow us to reach them.”

Early diagnosis of cancer allows treatment to begin more quickly and is more likely to succeed.

Early diagnosis in the United Kingdom lags behind comparable countries.

Professor Charles Swanton, Chief Clinician at Cancer Research UK, said: ..

“A strong plan and ongoing investment in building a cancer workforce for the future has allowed us to diagnose people faster and faster and save more lives.”

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said: “We are committed to reducing the waiting time for cancer patients, which is why we have up to 160 regional diagnostic centers nationwide.

“The record investment in the NHS included £ 2 billion last year and £ 8 billion over the next three years, adding 9 million checks, scans and operations by 2025 as part of Covid’s plans. Reduce waiting time, such as by creating a backlog for long-term recovery and reform. “

A spokesperson for the NHS England said: Therapeutic Ability – Staff are working hard to develop the initiative from the lung scan track to the cancer symptoms hotline, allowing patients to be seen quickly and for early detection of cancer.

“Being checked can save your life, so it’s important that people stay ahead if there are any signs or symptoms of concern.”




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