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Lack of Consciousness, Support for Worried Lupus Patients-New Indian Express

Lack of Consciousness, Support for Worried Lupus Patients-New Indian Express


Express news service

Kochi: Imagine the immune system itself attacking tissues and organs and mistaken for a foreign body. What a damage! Systemic lupus erythematosus is one of the chronic autoimmune diseases that can affect and damage any part of the body, including the skin, kidneys, blood cells, and brain. Tuesday is another world lupus day, calling attention to the effects of this disease on people around the world. According to data available from the charitable trust Lupus erythematosus, there are approximately 40,000 lupus patients in Kerala. Nationally, that figure is about 100,000 rupees.

“Lack of consciousness is a major problem that affects many people’s sick faces,” says Dr. Indugopi, a patient and co-founder of Loopstrast in India. “Patients want their families and society in general to empathize with the right knowledge and consciousness.

The disease is more severe than cancer, but we still receive no support. The struggle begins at a very young age and the disease is very unpredictable. Through treatment, you need to find a way to live with it and unbearable pain. ”

World Lupus Day focuses on the need for improved patient medical services, increased research on causes and treatments for lupus, and early diagnosis. “Delayed diagnosis can cause serious damage to major organs. We have encountered many cases where delay has had a devastating effect on the patient and has placed a financial burden on the patient. There is no permanent cure for this, “Dr. Indu points out.

The Trust requires the inclusion of Lupus in the BPL health scheme, serious illness categories covered by insurance, and the 2016 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We are also seeking subsidies for medicines by including the disease in the organ drug list. “Treatment for lupus has evolved significantly since the early days. Patient survival has increased dramatically over the last few decades, from about 40% to over 90%,” said Rheumatoid Arthritis at Amrita Hospital. Dr. Sandeep Surendran, an assistant professor in the Department of Science and Clinical Immunology, said. Kochi. He says several different medicines are used to treat lupus. “The improvement in survival is probably due to multiple factors, including early detection and rapid treatment with more sensitive diagnostic tests,” Dr. Sandeep adds.

What is Systemic Lupus erythematosus?

It is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. It can affect and damage any part of the body, including the skin, joints, blood cells, kidneys, and brain.

Causes and symptoms
The cause is not clear. Symptoms of urticaria vary and include fever, hair loss, malaise, butterfly rash (a common facial expression of multiple disorders), altered kidney function, and involvement of the kidneys and nervous system. The effects range from mild to life-threatening.

The disease is mainly treated by immunosuppression. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and hydroxychloroquine. Glucocorticoids are given early on to control the disease quickly and improve patient health. The choice of second-line treatment to prevent relapse of the disease by reducing lupus steroids is highly individualized and is usually guided by the specific organ affected.




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