COVID-19 can cause cognitive impairment equivalent to 20 years of aging
- Recent studies suggest an association between severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization and cognitive impairment that lasts 6 to 10 months after onset.
- Cognitive impairment in COVID-19 survivors was as great as the cognitive decline that normally occurs in individuals between the ages of 50 and 70.
- The gradual recovery of these persistent cognitive deficits underscores the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms and developing treatment strategies.
- Cases of mild COVID-19 may report prolonged cognitive symptoms, but the authors of the study found that cases with severe cases have a higher incidence.
33 33 % -76% Cognitive symptoms appear 3 to 6 months after admission.
Recent studies published in the journaleClinicalMedicineSevere COVID-19 suggests that it may be associated with persistent cognitive impairment, which corresponds to a decrease of 10. IQ points.. In this study, severe COVID-19 was defined as COVID-19 requiring hospitalization and critical care.
These cognitive impairments persisted for at least 6 months after infection with SARS-CoV-2 infection and gradually improved with cognitive symptoms. These results underscore the importance of long-term support for patients who have recovered from severe COVID-19.
According to official data for 2020, the same year that the survey pulled data, 4/10 Adults over the age of 18 are at risk of developing severe COVID-19 in the United States.
A significant minority of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection experience sustained cognition
Persistent cognitive symptoms are also observed in individuals with mild COVID-19, but such cognitive deficiencies are more common in individuals with severe COVID-19.Previous research
However, further research is needed to understand the specific aspects of cognitive function affected after severe COVID-19 and the factors that predict these cognitive symptoms.
Previous studies characterizing persistent cognitive symptoms in patients with COVID-19 relied on bias-sensitive self-reporting. Other studies use pen and paper neuropsychological tests to assess cognitive function.
However, these tests are not sensitive to detecting small changes in cognitive function or distinguishing different domains or aspects of cognitive function affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection.
To address these concerns, the authors of this study used computerized cognitive tests to objectively characterize specific domains of cognitive function affected after severe acute COVID-19. I did. These computerized tests also allowed researchers to assess the magnitude of these cognitive impairments.
Patients with COVID-19 also experience persistent mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This can contribute to cognitive impairment.
Another objective of this study was to determine whether these mental health symptoms mediate persistent cognitive impairment in COVID-19 patients.
The study enrolled 46 patients who had previously been hospitalized for severe COVID-19 and received critical care at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, England. Former COVID-19 patients completed a series of computerized cognitive tests during their return visit to the hospital, averaging 6 months after the onset of the illness.
The performance of 46 participants in the cognitive test was compared to the performance of 460 individuals in the control group. Individuals in the control group were not hospitalized for COVID-19 and were matched in age, gender, and education level. Researchers also used self-reports to assess symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
Researchers found that patients with COVID-19 had lower cognitive test scores and slower response times than the corresponding controls. People infected with COVID-19 showed more pronounced deficiencies in certain cognitive areas such as processing speed, attention, memory, reasoning, and planning.
In particular, cognitive deficiencies in COVID-19 survivors were not associated with mental health symptoms present during cognitive tests such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Instead, cognitive test performance correlated with the severity of acute illness. For example, cognitive impairment was more pronounced in individuals requiring mechanical artificial respiration.
The researchers then compared the performance of COVID-19 survivors with more than 66,000 individuals in the general population.
The magnitude of cognitive dysfunction in COVID-19 survivors was similar to the age-related cognitive decline expected for the 20 years between age 50 and 70.
Lead author of the study Professor David MenonHead of Anesthesia at the University of Cambridge, said: “Cognitive deficits are common to a wide range of neurological disorders, including dementia and routine aging, but the patterns we saw-COVID cognitive” fingerprints “-19 – were all different. “
Dr. Betty RamanOxford University Cardiologist, Today’s medical news“This prospective cohort study of 46 people who recovered from severe COVID-19 and a large reference group by Hampshire and colleagues showed a clear link between the severity of infection and the degree of cognitive impairment. I did. ”
“This multidimensional characteristic of cognition provides a subtle understanding of a clear pattern of cognitive impairment during the recovery phase of severe COVID-19. This pattern is associated with other post-infection syndromes and serious illnesses. Further efforts are needed to understand how it will change. “
The study found that these cognitive deficits persisted up to 6-10 months after the onset of COVID-19, with only a gradual improvement in cognitive performance. The persistence of these cognitive disorders underscores the importance of understanding the underlying mechanisms of these symptoms.
Scientists have proposed multiple mechanisms to explain persistent cognitive symptoms in patients with COVID-19, such as direct infection of the brain with SARS-CoV-2 and interruption of blood supply to the brain.Among these mechanisms, whole body or whole body
Dr. Roger McIntyreProfessor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology at the University of Toronto MNT“Inflammatory activation appears to mediate these findings, highlighting the risk of long-term immune activation. The next step is to more fully elucidate and prevent biological mechanisms. And to identify treatment strategies. “
Discuss key questions that need to be addressed, Dr. Paul HarrisonA professor of psychiatry at Oxford University said:
“This study shows that these deficits are significant and can last more than 6 months after an acute illness. The results are compelling and important and raise further questions. For example, what happens after a less serious infection? How long does the deficit last? What causes them and, critically, how can they be treated or prevented? “
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