If you like pina colada, you’re not alone.Pandemics boost sales of tropical cocktails | Cocktails
With pina colada and other retro cocktails re-popular, many British are keen to capture the tropical beach vacation atmosphere with a drink with umbrellas after spending two years in the UK.
According to bars and supermarkets, rising demand for kitch nipples such as Mai Tai, Blue Lagoon and Tequila Sunrise reflects consumers’ desire for a fun post-pandemic experience and the appeal of colorful Instagram-enabled drinks. It is said that there is.
According to Waitrose’s latest drink report, a fruity and soothing cocktail is back among drinkers who want to make up for the vacation lost abroad due to the pandemic.
Searches for pina colada, a rum cocktail made with coconut milk and pineapple juice, on supermarket websites have increased by 40% since last year.
Invented drink At a luxury hotel bar in Puerto Rico In the 1950s, it became Britain’s third most popular cocktail after Negroni and Mojito for wealthy tourists seeking a Caribbean flavor. According to a new survey..
Jamie Mathewson, Waitrose’s Beverage Trading Manager, said: This kind of experience with a friend we have missed badly for two years. “
A 1,000-person survey by Drinkhouse 247 found that pina colada was the most popular among people aged 25-44 and 55 and older.
Kelly Mage, who owns the Ridley Road Market Bar in Dalston, east London, said retro cocktail sales are booming among the millennial generation as bright colors have become popular on Instagram and TikTok. rice field.
“The retro cocktail Frozen Cocktail-Pina Colada, a pina colada with blue margaritas and pink food coloring-is always popular, but it’s the most popular drink since October,” she said. .. “Our sales have almost doubled.”
Maisey said the drink appealed to young drinkers because of his interest in 70’s aesthetics. “One-color suits for women, elements of 70’s leather or denim that go into what people wear,” she added.
But she said the complaint wasn’t just ironic. “Young people have a different perspective. They don’t feel like they’re passing. They have that visual element. I’ve seen drinks online and they’re the same. Some customers want to drink. “
The charm of Pina Colada is all over the country. According to a survey by Drinkhouse 247, pina colada was the most popular cocktail in Yorkshire, the Humber and the East Midlands.Meanwhile, Cheshire’s Northwich Festival dedicated to drinksIn honor of Rupert Holmes, a 70’s singer hit the town-born escape (Pina Colada song).
On August 20, festival organizer Adam Gerrard said: [and] Now even some of our traditional pubs are starting to sell cocktails. It’s a bit strange to see a grown-up man standing in a pub drinking pina colada, but it happens. Even weather spoons sold them last year. “
How to make piNacolada
[From Felicity Cloake’s recipe]
Pina colada is made by blending or shaking rum, coconut cream (or coconut milk), and pineapple with ice. Often accompanied by pineapple wedges, maraschino cherries, or both.
(Per drink)
Coconut milk 50ml
50ml golden lamb
75ml fresh pineapple juice
1– 2 tablespoons sugar syrup (2 parts white sugar and 1 part water)
½ lime juice
Decorate slices of pineapples, maraschino cherries, cocktail umbrellas, etc.
Use enough ice to fill the glass to two-thirds, stir in a blender until crushed, then place in a cocktail shaker. Stir the coconut milk and then add to the ice with rum and pineapple juice. Whisk or shake until well mixed, then taste and add sugar syrup and lime juice as needed. Pour into a cold glass. Make a small cut in the pineapple and cherry and insert it into the edge of the glass. Eat immediately.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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