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Recent studies show that Canadians living near wildfire sites are at increased risk of cancer

Recent studies show that Canadians living near wildfire sites are at increased risk of cancer
Recent studies show that Canadians living near wildfire sites are at increased risk of cancer


Our planet is changing. So is our journalism. This story is part of the CBC News Initiative entitled “Our Changing Planets” to show and explain the effects of climate change.Keep up with our latest news Climate and environment page..

Studies from McGill University show that Canadians living in wildfire areas, such as southeastern British Columbia, are at higher risk of developing cancer than those who do not.

so article This month, a researcher published in the scientific journal Lancet Planet Health surveyed about 20 years of health data for more than 2 million people nationwide from 1996 to 2015.

They are 10% more likely to develop brain tumors and 5% more likely to develop lung cancer if they lived within 50 km of a wildfire in the last 10 years, compared to those who live far away. I found it expensive.

This study does not analyze data on people living in major cities with a population of over 1.5 million. We also excluded new immigrants and people under the age of 25 or over 90.

Climate change exacerbates wildfires

Scientists say they expect climate change to exacerbate the health risks of wildfires and the associated air and water pollution.

For example, in 2018, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched drinking water in Paradise, California. Contaminated with benzene, a carcinogen After a wildfire in the area of ​​the year.

Wildfires usually occur in similar areas each year, so people living in nearby communities may chronically inhale and drink carcinogenic wildfire pollutants, McGill researchers said. I am.

“Many of the pollutants released by wildfire are known human carcinogens, suggesting that exposure may increase the risk of human cancer,” said a research paper in a doctoral student at McGill University. The lead author, Jill Corsiac, said in writing.

Some scientists said last summer when more than 200 wildfires raged inland British Columbia. Recommended Wear an N95 mask to avoid smoke during outdoor activities.

Scott Weicenthal, a professor of epidemiology at McGill University, who co-authored this article, said masks do a great job of removing contaminants in the air, but carcinogens can contaminate others. I said there is also.

“They can also contaminate things like water and soil,” he told CBC host Chris Walker. Dawn south.. “There may be other routes of exposure to harmful environmental chemicals.”

Weichenthal says his research team plans to conduct a follow-up study of how the mixture of chemicals from wildfires changes throughout the fire season.




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