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COVID-19: Acute Hepatitis in Children Not Yet Reported in British Columbia

COVID-19: Acute Hepatitis in Children Not Yet Reported in British Columbia


Health officials said a child with liver disease was recently investigated in BC and found to be unrelated to COVID-19.

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The surprising complications of COVID-19 in infants have been investigated worldwide, but British Columbia health officials say there is still no evidence that it happened here.

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During a briefing on Tuesday, state health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said BC Acute hepatitis in children People infected with the new coronavirus.

She said a child with liver disease was recently investigated for possible associations but found to be unrelated to COVID-19.

“This is one of the things we see with colleagues across the country,” Henry said.

She said more than 200 cases have been reported worldwide, but nothing has been detected in British Columbia. Still, Henry said there was sufficient concern that pediatricians remembered last week that pediatric liver complications were reportable.

World Health Organization Cases of severe hepatitis — Inflammation of the liver — Most of them were under 5 years old among children last month.

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The reason for the anomalous cluster has not been identified, but doctors in the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Israel, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, France, Romania and Belgium are investigating this phenomenon.

Henry said on Tuesday that a global study is trying to figure out if COVID-19 is a factor, and another virus, adenovirus 41, may be more closely associated with recent cases. Said there is. (Report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Released on May 6 A direct link could not be drawn between the Alabama cluster and COVID-19, instead indicating an adenovirus infection. )

“This is still a bit of a mystery in the world,” Henry said. “There is still a lot of work needed to investigate it.”

However, she said it was premature to determine if children could have long-term complications with COVID-19.

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Therefore, she advises children not to be exposed to the virus and to be careful to vaccinate and encourage them when they are eligible.

Henry also said he hopes Canada will soon obtain federal approval for a vaccine for children aged 6 months to 5 years. She said pediatric vaccines could be available in British Columbia as early as late summer until clinical trial results are available.

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