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Wealthy LA region with the highest increase in coronavirus cases

Wealthy LA region with the highest increase in coronavirus cases


Like Los Angeles County Coronavirus case Continuing to rise, infections are increasing most rapidly among wealthy residents. This could be an echo of the previous wave when more high-income people were first infected with the virus.

“In areas where poverty is currently low, case rates are slightly higher,” Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said in a briefing Thursday.

This increase is also beginning to affect the poor population of LA County, who are likely to suffer from the worse consequences of COVID-19.

“This is similar to what we saw at the beginning of the previous surge. First, the case rate increased first in the resource-rich community, and then rapidly in the resource-poor community,” Feller said. Says.

A Times analysis of a community of more than 5,000 residents in LA County showed that many of the areas with the highest cases of coronavirus were higher in wealthier communities.

Case rates were adjusted by the county’s Public Health Service to explain the fundamental differences in age composition in different regions. Communities with unstable case rates were excluded from the analysis, as defined by the county.

The top 10 communities with the highest case rates in the latest weekly data available are Carsey, Rancho Park, Playa Vista, Century City, Pacific Palisades, Chebiot Hills, Venice, Hollywood Hills and Marina near Los Angeles. It was an unincorporated coastal community. The city of Del Rey and Lacanada Flintridge.

Case rates for these 10 communities were about 3-5 times higher than for the entire county. In contrast, the 10 communities with the lowest case rates reported at least some cases, but Compton, Paramount, Lynnwood, Azusa, Elmonte, Lancaster, Vernon Central near Los Angeles, Westlake, Boyle Heights, and Florence Firestone’s unincorporated community. These communities reported case rates between approximately one-third and one-half of the county-wide rate.

The most populous counties in the country reported about 2,700 cases per day last week, an increase of 19% from about 2,300 cases per day last week.

Coronavirus levels in widespread wastewater in Los Angeles County have almost doubled in the last two weeks, Feller said.

“”[The levels] It shows that community communication has increased significantly, “Ferrer said. Overall, weekly coronavirus cases tripled last month.

From the early days of the pandemic, COVID-19 was initially “Rich illness, “With wealthy people who are likely to take the virus home and travel. But the pandemic eventually hit the poor community the hardest. Residents of these areas are already at a disadvantage, many have a high incidence of chronic illness, low access to medical resources, high housing congestion, and many are heavily discriminated against. There is an increased risk of serious illness.

Only after the winter omicron surge diminished did coronavirus case rates in the lowest-income areas of LA County rise to a zone of moderate concern, with 111 new cases per week for every 100,000 inhabitants. Did. According to county standards, case rates between 100 and 200 are at a moderate level of concern, and rates above 200 are at a high level of concern.

A week ago, the lowest-income resident case rate was 91, a low level of concern. The rate a month ago was 43.

resemble trend Observed in San Francisco..

Increasing cases in low-income areas are of concern due to the increased risk to the overall health of residents in poor areas and the increased prevalence of infection in the community.

LA County could enter a moderate overall COVID-19 community level soon next week if the region continues to see the same weekly growth.

None of the counties in California have a high COVID-19 community level, but nine are medium and the highest since early March. These counties are Santa Clara, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Sonoma, Santa Cruz, Marin, Humboldt, and Pramas.

At a medium level, Map of the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionFederal agencies recommend that people at high risk of severe illness consider wearing a mask indoors in public places.

“If transmissions increase as they do now, everyone considers wearing masks in public indoors to protect important workers who provide us all with the goods and services we need very much. You have to do it, “Feller said.

The COVID-19 community level It is a factor in both case rates and hospitalization rates and is currently used to make federal recommendations for masking. Even with low hospitalization rates, it is sufficient to have more than 200 cases per week for every 100,000 residents to send the county to a moderate level.

coronavirus Transparency level —Another indicator—has a weekly rate of 100 or more cases per 100,000 residents and is considered high if the LA County infection level has been high for the past 3 weeks.

If Feller has dramatically worsened hospitalization, the county’s COVID-19 community level is high, and is orange on the CDC map, LA County has a universal mask obligation in indoor public places. He said he would revive it.

“We need to start seeing a downtrend so we don’t have to worry about reaching the high community levels defined by the CDC,” Feller said. “And if we reach that high level, it shows that our healthcare system is being emphasized, and I know that none of us want to go back there. increase.”

Currently, according to Feller, the virus does not burden hospitals or other medical resources.

Coronavirus-positive hospitalizations are relatively low and fluctuate between about 210 and 270 within the lowest pandemic levels. Daily COVID-19 deaths are also low and stable in LA County, with data showing about 4 deaths per day.

“I was relieved to know that fewer people are dying every day, but I know that each person who died left behind a loved one and a friend who mourned their death,” Feller said. Told. “I regret peace and peace in this difficult time.”




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