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Woodland Park Zoo is taking steps to protect the spread of bird flu

Woodland Park Zoo is taking steps to protect the spread of bird flu


The zoo has moved sensitive birds to indoor sheltered homes.

Seattle — Highly contagious Deadly strains of bird flu continue to spread Throughout Washington Woodland Park Zoo We take precautions to prevent the exposure of endangered birds.

As of May 12, there were no cases of H5N1 strain pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) at the zoo.

The zoo has moved sensitive birds to indoor sheltered homes. These birds include birds of prey, peacocks, penguins, flamingos, cranes, chickens and related species, and waterfowl. Tarpaulins or temporary roofs were placed over the enclosure in case the birds could not be moved indoors.

“Because bird flu is transmitted by contact with infected wild birds and their feces, it is safest for us to move them inside or away from other birds. It’s a good control, “said Dr. Tim Storms, Woodland’s Director of Animal Health. Park zoo. “This is a disturbing disease for birds with high mortality and the need for proactive measures.”

The walkthrough aviary is closed to visitors until further notice to reduce the risk to birds inside. The zoo has also ceased close contact with ambassador birds such as owls, hawks and other birds of prey. The Wildlife Theater excludes free-flying birds in its programming. The rainforest building is closed due to a walk-through aviary that acts as a corridor for visitors leaving the building.

Sheri Hollisney, Chief Operating Officer at Woodland Park Zoo, said: “We understand that visitors and members have the best interests of our animals in mind, keep our birds indoors, and are highly contagious and potentially deadly bird flu. We are confident that we will understand our decision to protect birds from the new flu cubs, flu, large cats, young and playful gorillas, and many other fascinating animals that visitors can enjoy. increase.”

HPAI is highly contagious and deadly among chickens and is now widespread throughout the US poultry herd.Since then The first case of H5N1 was announced According to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, at least six counties were confirmed infected in Washington State on May 5, and several other suspicious cases were investigated.

by Centers for Disease Control and PreventionHPAI infection has a chicken mortality rate of 90-100%, affects multiple internal organs and dies within 48 hours.

As of late April, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has recorded animal infections in more than 20 states.

If the bird owner finds signs of influenza such as multiple sick birds or sudden death, call the WSDA Sick Birds Hotline 1-800-606-3056 or the department. Online reporting tool..




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