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In Evanston, Illinois, COVID infection levels rise to “high” as the number of cases increases. Recommendations issued under the CDC guidelines

In Evanston, Illinois, COVID infection levels rise to “high” as the number of cases increases. Recommendations issued under the CDC guidelines



Evanston, Illinois (WLS)-Evanston is currently at the “high” COVID community level, as defined by the CDC, due to increased hospitalization as well as case numbers.

Over the past seven days, Evanston has reported 397 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, up from 305 in the previous week.

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As a result, Evanston’s Health and Human Services has made the following recommendations based on the CDC guidelines:

-Wear a mask indoors in public places, regardless of vaccination status, including schools from kindergarten to high school and other indoor public places
-Wear a mask or respiratory system that provides stronger protection for individuals at high risk of severe illness
-Wear a mask if you have symptoms, a positive test result, or if you have been infected with a person with COVID-19

-Socialize outdoors if possible and avoid poorly ventilated indoor environments
-Take a test before attending a family or public event.Home testing is ideal for this purpose
-If you are diagnosed, contact your doctor immediately for COVID-19 treatment
-Get the latest information on COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.
-Follow the CDC recommendations for quarantine and quarantine. This includes testing for exposure to COVID-19 and for symptoms of COVID-19.

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People flocking to restaurants in the northern suburbs on Friday evening seemed indifferent to the increase in COVID.

“We have been vaxxed, double vaxxed, triple vaxxed, and now it’s time to start our lives,” said resident Mike Joyce.

“I’m not too worried about it,” said Christina Joyce. She says, “People are already very experienced in how to protect themselves.”

Despite the high risks, Evanston’s director of health and welfare, Ike Ogbo, said the city has not regained its mask obligations.

“But if Evanston sustains high transmission speeds, it’s in the toolbox,” Ogbo said.

Instead, public health officials strongly recommend masking indoors, regardless of vaccine status, and encourage residents to be up-to-date on vaccination and booster immunization.

Ogbo said the same advice applies to Evanston Township High School students attending the prom this weekend.

“Any big event can cause problems with COVID contracts,” Ogbo said. “That’s why individuals need to follow these public health initiatives.”

Throughout our region, only Kenosha and Racine counties in Wisconsin are at the “high” community level. Other counties in the Chicago area are at “medium” or “low” risk, and the city of Chicago is also “medium.”

City officials say hospitalization will need to be doubled to advance to the next level.

“We could reach highs, but I don’t think it’s definitely imminent next week,” said Chicago Director of Public Health, Allison Arwadi. “But this is the reason why we ask to put the mask back while we are’inside’. If possible, please gather outside. “

At the state level, authorities said mask obligations were not discussed.

Dr. Amar Tokers, Deputy Director of Public Health, Illinois, said:

Although the number of cases and hospitalizations has increased, the number of COVID-related deaths remains at low pandemic levels. Authorities have acknowledged vaccines and effective treatments, and said it is time to get vaccinated and boosted if not yet vaccinated.

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