Australian Sudden Infant Death Syndrome studies clues rather than conclusions
small Preliminary studies in Australia provide interesting tips that can cause sudden infant death syndrome, but doctors can find out if the findings are conclusive in more infant groups. It warns that more research is needed.
The studyWas published in the journal eBioMedicine on May 6th, causing turmoil among parents and disseminating it on Twitter and blogs.
We measured the levels of an enzyme called butyrylcholinesterase that helps control the autonomic nervous system in the blood of 67 Australian infants who died of sudden infant death syndrome. Researchers at the University of Sydney and the Children’s Hospital in Westmead have found that these levels are significantly lower in infants who die of SIDS than in those who do not.
Dr. Rachel Moon, a SIDS researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, said in their paper that butyrylcholinesterase is a potential biomarker for sudden infant death syndrome. I was careful to attach it.
“This is a very small study, with 67 cases and 10 controls,” she said. “There is nothing definitive about this. It is certainly not confirmed if this is the” cause of SIDS “. ”
She said the strong parental interest in Australian studies is understandable but not yet justified. Although enzyme levels were statistically different, there was ample overlap between cases and controls, and blood tests are not useful at this time, Moon said.
In addition, some infants in the control group had biochemical abnormalities but did not develop SIDS. Dr. Jason Nagata, a pediatric professor at the University of California, San Francisco, said the laboratory samples tested were more than two years old and enzyme levels may have changed since they were collected. ..
SIDS is the leading cause of death for infants aged 1 month to 1 year in the United States, killing at least 3,400 people each year.
The Go back to sleep According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a campaign to lay babies on their backs instead of stomachs in the 1990s was associated with a 50% or more reduction in SIDS deaths.
Since then, researchers have better understood some of the underlying problems that cause babies to die mysteriously during sleep.
Babies who die of the syndrome may not be able to resuscitate or become aware of their breathing problems, as can happen when sleeping in the stomach.
“Normal babies can gasp and get agitated if their breathing is disturbed during sleep,” said Dr. Richard Goldstein, SIDS researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Infants who die from SIDS do not appear to have a very strong wakefulness response. “At least some of these babies don’t have a hard time and die very quietly,” he said.
For these babies, biology is a fundamental danger, not a preventable choking event. He said these threats are subtle and children may survive without these biological vulnerabilities.
To be clear, no one says stomach sleep is safe for babies. According to Goldstein, all babies should sleep on their backs. This is because some babies do not know which infants are at particular risk of SIDS when sleeping in the stomach.
Nagata also added that mothers should avoid smoking during pregnancy and receive regular antenatal care.
In recent years, genetic and molecular markers associated with several SIDS cases have been discovered.
For example, a group at Harvard University, led by Goldstein, discovered genetic mutations associated with 11% of SIDS cases, including heart, nerve, and congenital syndrome. A Mayo Clinic study found that 4% of SIDS deaths were caused by the cardiac arrhythmia gene.
Australian studies are “provocative” and “good start”, but gold says that much larger studies will be needed to show which infants can predict the risk of death from SIDS with butyrylcholinesterase levels. Stein said.
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