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Keep your kids up to date on vaccinations, state urges – News – Houma Today


Health officials are encouraging Louisiana residents to keep up with their children’s routine vaccinations, which have dropped off since the coronavirus pandemic hit the state in March.

“As we work to reopen our economies, maintaining routine immunization during the pandemic is critical especially for children 24 months or younger, pregnant women, people of all ages with chronic health conditions and seniors,” said Dr. Frank Welch, medical director for the LDH’s immunization program.

A U.S. Centers for Disease Control study in Michigan found May just under half of children 5 months or younger had received their routine vaccinations compared to about two-thirds in 2016.

The CDC study says such declines can imperil not just children who fail to get the shots by the entire community.

“The observed declines in vaccination coverage might leave young children and communities vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles,” the CDC study says. “If measles vaccination coverage of 90%-95% (the level needed to establish herd immunity) is not achieved, measles outbreaks can occur.”

Both the CDC and Louisiana Health Department recommend a series of shots for children starting at birth to protect against contagious, debilitating and potentially deadly diseases such as flu, hepatitis, polio, measles, chickenpox, tetanus, mumps and whooping cough. Many are required before children enter school.

The CDC estimates routine immunization of children born between 1994 and 2018 will prevent 419 million illnesses, 26.8 million hospitalizations and 936,000 early deaths over their lifetimes. The agency also estimates the shots will result in a net savings of $406 billion in health care costs and $1.88 trillion in total economic impact.

The state Health Department and the Louisiana Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics are offering this guidance to parents:

– Keep your newborn checkup appointments. Newborns are especially at risk of infection and disease, so it is important to keep babies away from people who may be sick. However, there are also strong reasons to take babies to the doctor in the first week after birth. Weight gain and jaundice are two of the important things to monitor, in addition to making sure that babies get the strengthened immune system that comes from staying up to date on vaccines.

– Stay on track with child wellness visits and vaccinations.

– Pediatricians are taking extra precautions to ensure the health and safety of their patients. For patients who do require an in-person visit, doctors are taking extra care to minimize risk during the cornavirus pandemic.

– Telemedicine may be available for some types of visits. Telehealth allows doctors to conduct patient visits online or by phone, addressing many routine complaints such as rashes, stomach pain, eye infections and injuries without an in-person visit. Check with your doctor to see what options are available.

– For advice, talk with your child’s doctor or review CDC guidance documents., a website run by the American Academy of Pediatrics, is a reliable and user-friendly resource.

– Low-income residents can find information on where to get free or low-cost vaccinations for their children at

– Executive Editor Keith Magill can be reached at 857-2201 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @CourierEditor.

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