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Doctors Report a Rapid Decrease in Cases of Influenza and Colds | Pune News

Doctors Report a Rapid Decrease in Cases of Influenza and Colds | Pune News


Pune: This summer, doctors in the city reported a significant reduction in cases of influenza and common colds. According to their estimates, the decline can range from 25% to 90%, based on the number of patients visiting OPD.
Dr. Ameet Dravid, an infectious disease specialist at Noble Hospital, said of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subspecies have been dominant for so long that it may take some time for other respiratory viruses to reappear in the population.
“Also, the high incidence of heat waves and the high temperatures could have made it difficult for the flu epidemic to survive,” he said.
Dr. Dr. David added that COVID Immunization after vaccination and infection may also provide some form of cross-immunization against other coronaviruses that cause disease of the nose, sinuses, or upper throat. “Although the incidence of influenza in summer is low, this season has seen a significant reduction of almost 95% compared to the last few summers,” he said.
Dr. Avinash Bhondwe, his doctor, said: We believe that vaccination against Covid (respiratory disease) may protect people from other coronaviruses with similar but low-intensity symptoms. Further investigation is needed to demonstrate this. “
However, experts added that cases of influenza could increase during the monsoon.
Doctor Piyush ChaudhariInfectious disease specialist Jehenger HospitalStates: “There are fewer cases of influenza this summer than the occasional cases seen in the hot monsoon of the previous year, but because the influenza virus can piggyback on water droplets in humid air. We expect the numbers to increase during the monsoon. ”
He added: “Recently, a series of near heat waves with dry weather have made it difficult for most respiratory viruses to survive. Even the temperature difference between day and night has narrowed this summer, keeping the flu virus away. It came to be. “
He said that large differences in day and night temperatures often help the flu virus replicate and survive.
It is not yet clear whether the weather will play a major role in the growth of Covid-19. Scientists have found strong evidence that both lower temperatures and higher population densities are associated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infections.
However, studies have shown that high daytime temperatures can reduce the spread of respiratory droplets, which can limit the ability of the influenza virus to spread.
According to experts, preventative measures such as pandemic masking and hand washing may have helped control flu cases.
Doctor Sanjay PujariThe director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases said: “India has very low influenza activity during peak summers. This may actually be the best time to get the flu vaccine annually for qualified people. Covid Due to the reduced influenza testing in the -19 pandemic, more reliable data is needed to make year-on-year or monthly comparisons to conclude fluctuations in incidence. “




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