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A special clinic for South Australians with a long COVID

A special clinic for South Australians with a long COVID


The Marinaus Cass State Government has opened clinics at Royal Adelaide Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, and Flinders Medical Center to provide treatment, care, and support to people with long COVIDs.

The Women’s Children’s Hospital also provides professional services to children with long-term symptoms of COVID through outpatient clinics.

The government is preparing for long COVID cases in the wake of the Omicron wave, and a system-wide approach is needed to enable medical services to respond effectively.

Evidence from foreign and interstate highways suggests that some people infected with the virus will be affected more than 12 weeks after the acute illness and will be affected longer, requiring health care and assistance.

Importantly, complete vaccination appears to reduce the likelihood of experiencing Long COVID.

The clinic will be staffed with experienced doctors, nurses, and related medical professionals. Patients are referred to the clinic by their GP and reviewed there.

Clinic staff will work with the patient and family doctor to manage symptoms and plan for improvement. They may be referred to other medical professionals for further treatment.


Attribution to Minister of Health and Welfare Chris Picton

A system-wide approach is needed to prepare for the Long COVID case and enable medical services to respond effectively.

This involves GPs, clinic staff, and other medical professionals to manage the treatment and care of people with Long COVID.

If you think you are using Long COVID, talk to your doctor.

The important thing is that we can all do something to reduce the chances of getting a Long COVID. If you are completely vaccinated and infected with COVID, you are unlikely to be infected with Long COVID.

The message is again directed to South Australians. Be fully vaccinated against COVID.

Attribution to Dr. Emily Kirkpatrick, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer

Patients with long COVID often have problems such as anxiety, depression, mobility, pain, and discomfort, impairing normal pre-COVID functioning, and having problems with activities of daily living such as work and family care. I have.

These people are ultimately seeking health support and are laying the groundwork to ensure sustainable services in communities and hospitals to support Long COVID.

Early intervention will be conducted through SA Health’s GP liaison team. This team identifies and supports GPs in the community, assists patients suffering from symptoms 4-6 weeks after acute illness, and reduces the risk of developing Long COVID.

Symptoms of Long COVID include fatigue, shortness of breath, and cognitive dysfunction, which can fluctuate or recur over time. This allows vulnerable people to be on our radar and move to appropriate Long COVID care in the hospital if symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks.

Attributed to Dr. Renjy Nelson, a doctor of CALHN infections

RAH’s Long COVID Clinic provides patients with professional triage services and provides patients with the most relevant professional care from a team of professionals in a wide range of medical disciplines.

Patients with long COVIDs require the support of at least one, often multiple specialists. Our team includes specialists in cardiology, respiratory medicine, rheumatology, nephrology, hematology, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, general medicine, immunology, rehabilitation medicine, and profession. More and more treatment.

It was particularly difficult for individuals infected with COVID-19 early in the pandemic due to lack of research and clinical data, but now we know how to best care for and treat people with this condition.

While some patients require long-term rehabilitation, the Long COVID Clinic will take care of them and help them reach a stage where they can better manage their condition in a community care environment.




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