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Coronavirus may be associated with cases of severe hepatitis in children

Coronavirus may be associated with cases of severe hepatitis in children
Coronavirus may be associated with cases of severe hepatitis in children


Nancy Rapid

(Reuters) – The following is a summary of some recent studies on COVID-19. They require further research to support the findings and include studies that have not yet been certified by peer review.

SARS-CoV-2 may be the root of mysterious hepatitis in children

Researchers have described a mysterious case of severe hepatitis reported in hundreds of infants worldwide as a series of events that may have been caused by an unrecognized infection of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. It suggests that it may be causing it.

Peer Review According to a report posted on medRxiv on Saturday prior to v1, children with COVID-19 have a significantly increased risk of liver dysfunction thereafter. To do. However, most children with acute hepatitis (generally rare in that age group) have not reported previous SARS-CoV-2 infections. Instead, the majority are known to be infected with an adenovirus called 41F, which is not known to attack the liver. Many of the affected children may be too young to be vaccinated, and mild or asymptomatic COVID infections may have been overlooked. Another research team suggests at Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology https: //www.sciencedirect. com / science / article / pii / S2468125322001662. If that is the case, they make the theory that the coronavirus particles remaining in the gastrointestinal tract of these children stimulate the immune system and ultimately damage the liver in large quantities of inflammatory proteins. May overreact to adenovirus-41F, including.

“Children with acute hepatitis are advised to investigate the fecal persistence of SARS-CoV-2,” and because the coronavirus peplomer is a “superantigen” that sensitizes the immune system, the liver. Investigate other signals that the damage is occurring. They said.

Downward posture that is useless for awake patients

According to a new study, inpatient COVID-19 patients who breathe on their own but are supplemented with oxygen, when lying down, will eventually prevent the need for a ventilator. It may not be useful.

In this study, 400 patients were randomly assigned to regular or standard care and lay intermittently in the stomach. It is known to improve the course of illness in sedated patients with mechanical ventilation. Over the next 30 days, 34.1% of the prone positioning group and 40.5% of the normal care group needed to be ventilated, but this difference was not statistically significant. Researchers said Monday at JAMA that the risk of tracheal intubation may have been reduced among some patients, but statistically confirmed. I couldn’t. Their data. The average prone position time per day was about 5 hours, shorter than the target of 8-10 hours per day.

“Prone position, which tends to wake up for long periods of time, is difficult and is greatly affected by patient comfort and preferences,” the researchers said. “The most common reason for discontinuation of the prone position was the patient’s request, which may be related to overall subjective improvement or discomfort due to the prone position.”

Click on the Reuters graphic for the vaccine under development.

(Report by Nancy Rapid and Megan Brooks, edited by Bill Burke)




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