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People hospitalized for COVID-19 re-hospitalized

People hospitalized for COVID-19 re-hospitalized


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Researchers report that 1 in 10 people admitted with COVID-19 was readmitted or died within 30 days.Allison Dinner / Bloomberg via Getty Images
  • Researchers report that about 10% of people hospitalized for COVID-19 will be readmitted or die within 30 days.
  • They state that the initial hospitalization rate for COVID-19 is relatively high, but the readmission rate is similar to other infectious diseases.
  • They add that more than 90 percent of people returning to hospitals are not vaccinated.

According to new Canadians, about 1 in 10 people hospitalized with COVID-19 will return to the hospital or die within a month. study..

Researchers at the University of Alberta have drawn conclusions from a review of data on all adults admitted to hospitals in Alberta and Ontario between January 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. We examined the records of 843,737 patients.

Researchers say that of all adults who tested positive for COVID-19, about 5% were hospitalized and had an average length of stay of 8 days. Of these, 14 percent were admitted to the intensive care unit at some point. About 18% died during their first hospital stay.

Of those discharged, 11 percent were readmitted or died within 30 days. Dr. Finley McAllisterProfessor of Medicine, University of Alberta.

The most common reasons for readmission are COVID-19 (37%), unspecified pneumonia or interstitial lung disease (6%), heart failure (4%), pulmonary embolism (3%), and confusion (3%). 3%).

However, researchers noted that while COVID-19 hospitalization was higher than typical hospitalizations for other medical conditions, readmission rates were not unusually high.

“Despite fears of high readmission rates after COVID-19 infection, the 30-day outcome after discharge was found to be consistent with hospitalization for other medical diagnoses,” the study said. The author writes. “Therefore, the current system approach for moving patients from hospital to home does not seem to require adjustment.”

“Several studies of patients hospitalized for non-COVID pneumonia have reported that readmission rates can be as high as 25%, especially in the elderly and patients with chronic illness.” I am. Dr. Ryan MavesHe is a professor of infectious diseases at Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina, and chairs the COVID-19 Task Force at the American College of Chest Physicians. “Honestly, given the severity of the illness of the victims of COVID-19, this rate is a bit lower than I guessed.”

Bernadette M. Boden-AlbalaD.Ph., director and founding director of the University of California, Irvine’s public health program, told Healthline that the pathogenicity of COVID-19 and the burden the pandemic has placed on the medical system are likely to be factors. rice field. With COVID-19 readmission.

“As we have learned in the last three years, some strains of COVID, such as the delta type, tend to produce more severe cases and spike hospitalization rates,” she said.

People with COVID-19 who were at highest risk of re-hospitalization were elderly, male, multiple comorbidities, discharged to home care or care facilities, and had more previous hospitalization and emergency departments. Was included. visit.

“In general, the risk of continued hospitalization outweighs the risk of sending people home or sending them to a rehab center to help them regain their strength,” Maves told Healthline. “This shows that severe COVID-19 can cause an abnormal amount of injury to a person and that physiological injury can continue after the virus has been removed. “

The authors of the study state that the majority of people admitted to COVID-19 in Alberta (91%) and Ontario (95%) were not vaccinated.

“Unfortunately, many patients hospitalized for COVID have comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic lung disease, and cancer,” said Boden-Albala. “This can lead to more severe cases of COVID, resulting in events such as dyspnea, heart failure, pneumonia, and the patient is returned to the hospital. This initiates an immune response. This is especially true for unvaccinated people who have to work harder because of this. “

both Boden-Albala and Maves emphasized that the best way to prevent COVID-19 readmission is to first prevent cases of coronavirus by vaccination.

Jason GallagherPharmD, a professor of pharmacy at Temple University in Pennsylvania and a clinical pharmacy specialist for infectious diseases at Temple University Hospital, told Healthline that the study provides healthcare providers with the opportunity to review and improve COVID-19 treatment protocols. Told.

“For example, one of the most common reasons patients were readmitted was heart failure,” says Gallagher. “We know that improving the medication regimen for heart failure can prevent patients from being readmitted.”




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