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The UK records four new cases of monkeypox.Here’s everything you need to know about this rare infection

The UK records four new cases of monkeypox.Here’s everything you need to know about this rare infection


The coronavirus has not completely given up on humans yet, but hundreds of cases are active in most states around the world, but a new type of virus transmitted from animals to humans makes us feel its presence. increase.

The Monkeypox Is a viral zoonotic disease that has been detected in a total of 7 people in the United Kingdom so far. According to the UK Health Security Agency breaking news, four news cases were detected.

Of the four new cases, three are from the capital London. Experts are burning oil in the middle of the night to understand the link between these four cases.In particular, 4 people who tested positive Monkeypox Identify as gay or bisexual. This will warn these groups to pay attention to their symptoms.

Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Advisor of the Agency, said: Gay and bisexual to notice abnormal rashes and lesions and contact sexual health services without delay. “

Monkeypox: What is it?

Monkeypox is a rare, usually mild infection, usually captured from wildlife infected in parts of Africa. According to the NHS website, the disease is a relative of smallpox and often has a rash on the face.

Monkeypox: Is it contagious or is it contagious?

Monkeypox can be caught by being bitten by an infected animal or by touching its blood, body fluids, or fur. It is thought to be spread by rodents such as rats, mice and squirrels. It is also possible to catch the disease by eating the meat of infected animals that are not properly cooked.

It is very rare to catch monkeypox from humans because monkeypox is difficult to spread among humans. However, it is possible to spread the disease by touching clothing, bedding, and towels used by people with a rash. The disease can also be transmitted by touching the blisters and scabs on the skin of monkeypox, or by getting too close to the infected person’s cough or sneeze.

Monkeypox: Symptoms

If you are infected with monkeypox, it usually takes 5 to 21 days for the first symptoms to appear. These include high temperatures, headaches, muscle aches, back pain, swelling of the glands, tremors, and malaise.

The rash usually appears 1 to 5 days after experiencing these symptoms. Rash can be confused with chickenpox. This is because the rash begins as a raised spot and turns into a small scab filled with liquid.

Symptoms usually go away within 2-4 weeks and the scabs fall off.

Monkeypox: Is it deadly?

Studies in Central Africa, where people do not have access to quality medical care, show that one-tenth of infected people die of the disease, according to the World Health Organization. However, most patients recover within a few weeks.

Monkeypox: Treatment

Currently, there is no specific cure for monkeypox. Patients usually need to stay in a specialized hospital so that the infection does not spread and the common symptoms can be treated.

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