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FDA approves Pfizer COVID-19 booster for children ages 5-11

FDA approves Pfizer COVID-19 booster for children ages 5-11


File Image-January 10, 2022, at a testing and vaccination site in San Francisco, CA, a healthcare professional administers the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to a child. Photographer: David Paul Morris / Bloomberg via Getty Images

US Regulatory Authority Approves Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Booster shots for healthy American kids from 5 to 11 years old.

The US Food and Drug Administration announced an expanded approval on Tuesday. Pfizer booster shots are recommended at least 5 months after the first two-dose series of vaccines to enhance protection when the infection creeps upwards again.

Recommendations for this age group require final approval by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The institution’s scientific advisors will meet on Thursday.

“COVID-19 tends to be less severe in children than adults, but Omicron waves have seen more children get sick and hospitalized, and even after the first follow-up. Mild illnesses that may experience longer-term effects, “FDA Commissioner, Dr. Robert Calif, Medical Doctor, Said in a statement..

Pfizer injection is the only COVID-19 vaccine available to children of all ages in the United States. Children aged 5 to 11 receive one-third of the dose given to everyone over the age of 12.

In April, Pfizer announced Submitting an application to the FDA to extend booster shots to healthy elementary school students. Everyone over the age of 12 is already encouraged to get a booster dose For best protection against emerging new variants — and some people, including those over 50, can choose a second booster.

Related: Why is the vaccine still important when so many children are already infected with COVID-19?

Whether younger children need boosters is the only group in the United States that is not yet qualified in both Pfizer and rival Modana to vaccinate younger children under the age of five. The shadow is overshadowed by the protests of my parents. Studying shots of the youngest childrenAnd the FDA will evaluate data from one or both companies within the next month.

For ages 5-11, it’s not clear how much demand there is for boosters. Since the start of Pfizer vaccination in November, only about 30% of that age group have received the first two doses of Pfizer.

However, in a small study, Pfizer found that boosters improve the levels of virus-fighting antibodies in children, including those that can fight Omicron.

Coronavirus is more dangerous to adults than children, according to the CDC count, but young people can be seriously ill, killing more than 350 children aged 5 to 11 years.

In addition to the turmoil of the world CDC has 3 out of 4 children in the United States Since the beginning of the pandemic, people of all ages have been infected with the coronavirus. Most of them occurred during the winter Omicron waves. Still, health officials are calling for increased vaccination, even for those who have previously been infected with COVID-19.

Vaccination does not always prevent mild infections, especially since Omicron and other strains are superior to some previous mutant strains in bypassing these defenses. However, health officials agree that vaccination will continue to provide strong protection against the worst consequences of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death.

Melissa Marx, an assistant professor and epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said: , Told the FOX TV station last month.

“Vaccines have completely changed the survival rates of children in this country and around the world. COVID vaccines are no exception. In my opinion, there is no reason not to get a potentially life-saving preventive vaccine,” Marx said. Added.

This story was reported by Cincinnati. The Associated Press contributed.




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