The new hemorrhagic stroke guidelines highlight some common treatments that may not be effective.
Certain strategies for treating or preventing intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), also known as hemorrhagic stroke, may not be as effective as previously believed, according to new guidance documents from doctors. American Heart Association (AHA) When American Stroke Association (ASA)..
The new guidelines created by a volunteer writing group on behalf of AHA and ASA are: stroke..[1] This represents an update from the previous AHA / ASA guidelines for ICH management published in 2015.
Topics to be analyzed range from surgical techniques and patient recovery times to recommended training for home caregivers.
“Advances have been made in various areas related to ICH, such as organizing the community health system, reversing the adverse effects of anticoagulants, minimally invasive surgery, and underlying small blood vessel disease.” Steve Greenberg, MD, PhDProfessor of Neurology Harvard Medical SchoolVice Chairman of Neurology Massachusetts General HospitalSaid in Prepared statement.. Greenberg chaired a volunteer writing group.
Key points from the updated intracerebral hemorrhage guidelines of the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association
According to the new document, wearing compression socks and stockings is not an effective way to prevent deep vein thrombosis after ICH. This has long been a general recommendation made by doctors and other healthcare providers. Intermittent air compression with inflatable boots is now considered a precautionary measure that can have a significant impact on patient care.
“This is an area where we still have a lot to do,” Greenberg said in a prepared statement. “It is unclear whether even specialized compression devices reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis or improve the overall health of people with cerebral hemorrhage, especially within the first 24-48 hours of the first symptoms. More research is needed on how new antithrombotic drugs can help. “
The use of antiepileptic or antidepressant drugs after ICH is also covered in the guidelines. As some clinicians previously believed, clinical studies have shown that neither treatment option can help ICH patients. Administering steroids while the ICH patient is still in the hospital was also mentioned as a common treatment option to avoid in the future.
The document also highlights recent findings that certain minimally invasive surgery may increase the survival risk of patients after moderate or large-scale ICH. In addition, patients who have recovered from mild or moderate ICH are advised to begin basic activities such as stretching, changing clothes, and bathing within 1-2 days after ICH to increase their chances of survival. increase. However, there is an increased risk of dying within 14 days, especially if there is too much activity in the first 24 hours.
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