What is it, how does it spread, and what are the symptoms?
Health officials don’t know how the latest four patients caught the virus, but whether it can be passed through sexual intercourse that has never been described for this pathogen. I’m investigating.
All four recent cases are men from the LGBTQ + community, and health officials are now in this group “special attention to any part of the body, especially if there is an abnormal rash or lesion on the genitals, sexual health services. I am asking you to contact me if they have any concerns. “
What is the monkeypox virus?
The name monkeypox can be somewhat misleading as it is the most frequently circulating virus in small African mammals such as the rat, which is thought to be a reservoir of disease.
However, it can also infect monkeys. Visible lesions and ridges in the condition of a group of research primates suffering in 1958 led to Monica’s red herring.
It was first discovered in the 1950s and jumped into humans in the 1970s.
“This is a poxvirus of the same family as the smallpox virus, which caused smallpox before it was eradicated worldwide in 1980,” said Dr. Michael Skinner, a reader of virology at Imperial College London. increase.
He added that the smallpox vaccine can also protect against monkeypox, but the vaccination was discontinued in 1971 due to low levels of illness.
Dr. Michael Head, a leading global health expert at the University of Southampton, said the UK’s sophisticated health care “has a much lower risk to the general public.”
The World Health Organization (WHO) added that contact tracing and quarantine protocols carry a “minimal” risk of spreading infections from infected individuals in the United Kingdom.
How does monkeypox spread?
Unlike Covid, monkeypox requires so close contact that it cannot easily spread throughout the population.
The route of transmission from one person to another is through skin-to-skin contact between large exhaled droplets and open wounds. You can also catch infected animals by eating or touching them.
“It’s a difficult virus to spread among humans,” said Dr. Head.
“It requires very close contact, such as skin-to-skin contact with a person infected with a monkeypox rash. There would have been such close contact between these new cases.”
Professor Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, estimates that there is only a 10 percent risk of infecting people who live with them.
Recently, it has become clear that the virus can pass through during sexual activity. This is something that has never been explained before.
Experts are divided on this topic, and scientists hate to say that it is a new sexually transmitted disease. However, some scholars say that this “new” method can spread the virus even if it is not the primary route of transmission.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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