Michigan’s seasonal allergies worsen and symptoms are confused with COVID-19
Spring is in the air — and pollen and other small particles can itch your eyes and move your nose.
“It’s a bad time for allergies,” he said. Michigan Branch of the American Nonprofit Asthma and Allergy FoundationSaid on Wednesday. “But climate change is exacerbating it.”
Nurse Slonager added that the seasons for allergies are spring and autumn.
But now they start earlier, last longer, and affect more people.
“If there were no allergic symptoms in the past, more people would start showing allergic symptoms,” she said. “It’s the immune system, right? You can only take so much. Anecdotally, more people talk about how their allergies get worse.”
In addition to that, the number of cases of COVID-19 is increasing, so Difficult to understand without testing If the symptoms are the result of an allergy, cold, flu, COVID, or breakthrough infection.
Key differences: Unlike COVID and flu, allergic symptoms usually do not include fever, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Allergies are commonly caused by pollen, grass or pet dander.
Impact of climate change
Earlier this year University of Michigan Climate Scientist We examined the pollen of 15 different plants in the United States and used computer simulations to calculate how much the allergic season could worsen by 2100.
So get this:
Last year, Dr. Kathleen Das, an allergist, immunologist, and medical director at the Michigan Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center in Oak Park, said: One of the worst The season of allergies she has ever seen.
And, according to research, it can happen every year in a row.
more:Climate change to make the pollen season more troublesome and start earlier
more:Did you have hay fever? These are the 20 worst cities for people with seasonal allergies.
Scientists say that as the world warms, the season of allergies will begin weeks early and end days later. And pollen levels can triple in some places, so it will get worse for the rest of the time. Nature Communications.
In addition, carbon dioxide in the air from the burning of fuels such as coal, gasoline and natural gas helps plants produce more pollen. According to allergists, the pollen season in the United States often started around St. Patrick’s Day and now around Valentine’s Day.
Allergies are especially difficult for the 25 million Americans who suffer from asthma.
How to find peace of mind
So what can you do to relieve allergic symptoms?
The Mayo ClinicA non-profit American academic medical center based in Minnesota is seeking a variety of strategies, including reducing exposure to triggers for allergies, using air conditioning, taking over-the-counter medications, and seeing a specialist. ..
To reduce exposure: Stay indoors, especially on dry, windy days. Rain helps remove pollen from the air. Avoid mowing allergens, mowing weeds, and other gardening chores.
If you have a lot of pollen, close the doors and windows. Use a portable high efficiency particulate air filter in your bedroom. In most cases, clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.
Take off your clothes and take a shower to wash away pollen from your skin and hair.
If you need to be around pollen, wear a face mask.
Helps relieve swelling, itching, stuffy nose and watery eyes, watery eyes, and corticosteroid nasal drops such as Fronase, Renocoat, and Nasacoat, such as over-the-counter antihistamines (Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, Arabate). ..
Oral decongestants such as Sudafed can also help.
The Mayo Clinic also suggests consulting your doctor about other treatments such as prescriptions and allergy shots. Regular injections containing small amounts of substances that cause allergies may help reduce the response of the immune system.
Some people eventually develop resistance to allergens.
Slonager said she suffered from allergies when she was a child. But as she grew older, her body became more tolerant of anything that stimulated her immune system, and she said she would no longer feel sick.
She also took steps to remove allergens from her environment and improve the immune system with rest, exercise, and good nutrition.
“I don’t have allergies anymore, and I’m not taking any medicines for them,” she said. “Growing is an important issue. People think the first thing they should do is look at medicines, but you have to take a step back and see everything.”
Contributed by a free press archive. Frank Witsil: Please contact 313-222-5022 or [email protected].
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