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Hospitalizations for eating disorders have increased by 84% over five years, according to NHS data.Eating disorders

Hospitalizations for eating disorders have increased by 84% over five years, according to NHS data.Eating disorders


Hospitalizations for people with eating disorders in the UK have increased by 84% over the last five years, official NHS The numbers reveal.

In 2020-21, there were 11,049 more hospitalizations for illnesses such as bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa than in 2015-16, for a total of 24,268 hospitalizations. Experts have described this increase as “alert.”

According to an analysis by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the number of children and adolescents hospitalized for eating disorders increased from 3,541 to 6,713, up 35% last year alone due to the Covid pandemic.

A particularly sharp increase in hospitalizations (128%) was seen in boys and young men from 280 hospitalizations in 2015-16 to 637 hospitals in 2020-2021.

The university publishes guidelines to help health professionals identify and receive appropriate care for people whose eating disorders have become life-threatening. It said that signs that someone had a dangerous illness could be overlooked in general practitioner surgery and A & E due to lack of guidance and training.


People with eating disorders can look healthy on a normal blood test, even if they are seriously ill, the university said. For example, people with anorexia nervosa can have dangerously low levels of electrolytes such as potassium that are not reflected in blood tests. Patients with bulimia may also have severe electrolyte disorders and stomach problems, but may be normal or overweight.

Dr. Dasha Nicoles, who chaired the development of medical emergencies for eating disorder guidelines, said:

“They are mental health disorders, not” lifestyle choices. ” We must not underestimate how serious they are. Anorexia nervosa is often referred to as the most deadly mental health condition, but most deaths can be prevented with early treatment and support. If detected and treated early, a complete recovery is possible. “

She said she needed to raise awareness of the symptoms of common eating disorders. “Our guidance encourages medical professionals to discover that someone has a dangerous illness and dispel the myths that surround them,” she said. “They are not yet well understood and have devastating consequences for thousands of patients and their families.

“If we are trying to stop the epidemic of eating disorders, it is important that this guidance reaches medical professionals urgently and assists them with the resources the government needs to implement them.”

One in five people with anorexia nervosa is due to suicide, but all eating disorders have a high incidence of self-harm and depression.

The 32-year-old James Downs, who developed anorexia nervosa at the age of 15, had to wait more than six years after being diagnosed for professional support. He blamed the lack of awareness among non-professional medical professionals that the signs of eating disorders were exacerbated.

In the six years it took to get help, his illness had settled and his physical health had deteriorated. Downs was frequently admitted to hospitals with low potassium, low blood sugar, and the consequences of heart abnormalities and other malnutrition.

“Getting help early can prevent so many people from being hospitalized,” he said. “All medical professionals should be able to find the signs and receive timely and accessible treatment to provide them to their patients.”




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