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Allergic immunotherapy becomes more common as allergies worsen in Michigan

Allergic immunotherapy becomes more common as allergies worsen in Michigan


Lansing, Michigan (WILX)-Michigan has a warm climate. In other words, the same is true for pollen. If you’re sneezing or sneezing more this week, you’re not alone.

More and more people are trying allergic immunotherapy. This will change the potential of people suffering from allergies.

Dr. Lawrence Hennessy is an allergist at Okemos and has been elected President-elect. Michigan Allergy and Asthma Association.. He has been very busy this spring and seems to have more cases each year than the previous year.

“Especially this spring, allergic nasal problems have increased significantly,” Hennessy said. “I think part of that is the fact that April was very cold.”

Over the last decade, Hennessy has seen more patients suffer from severe allergies at this time of the year. Claude Johnson Perry is one of many Michigan people who are drowning in allergies.

“I’m allergic to just being offended about everything,” Perry said. “For those who don’t know what it looks like, it’s really terrible.”

Constant coughing, sneezing, dizziness, and sometimes even swelling remind Perry every day that spring is here.

For some, allergies are seasonal and almost always feasible. But for others like Perry, they are mentally and physically exhausted.

“But what’s happening behind the scenes that many people aren’t aware of is that when you sneeze or cough, your chest begins to hurt,” Perry said. “It hurt your head and it makes you a kind of dizzy.”

He is taking over-the-counter medicines, but he may be sleepy or not strong enough. That is why immunotherapy aimed at the root cause of allergies is becoming more common.

“The only way to deal with the root cause is to avoid allergens that aren’t possible if you live in Michigan,” Hennessy said. “Or, to retrain the immune system to not respond to allergens, that’s what we do with allergic injections.”

Allergen immunotherapy works by building resistance to allergens over a long period of time. Injections are most commonly given weekly, but drops are also becoming more popular-although not fully FDA approved. Sometimes, patients may have to take it regularly for years before they feel the full effect.

Immunotherapy is more accessible than ever, but it has not always been the case. Perry wanted to try it, but his health insurance doesn’t cover it.

However, Hennessy said most health insurance now covers treatment and hopes for more in the future.

Immunotherapy is easy and effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. It requires many doctor visits and time.

“We’re really successful with pollen allergies, but most of the time it works for things like animal skin,” Hennessy said.

He said that over-the-counter medications that are taken regularly should work for people with less severe allergies. However, if that doesn’t work, it’s a good idea to consult an expert to determine which treatment is best for you.

However, doctors say that if you have sudden allergic symptoms, you should have a COVID test to rule them out.Current rapidly popular variants Often presents with symptoms similar to mild allergies..


Copyright 2022WILX. all rights reserved.

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