The worst of bird flu in Minnesota’s poultry business
More than two weeks have passed since the detection of bird flu in Minnesota’s commercial poultry surgery, and we hope that the worst outbreak may have ended.
“This is really encouraging news and things are coming to an end,” said Dr. Linda Glazer, a veterinarian in the interim state. “We hope we can stay in this orbit.”
As of Wednesday, nearly 2.9 million birds were infected or killed to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza in the country’s major turkey-producing country, Minnesota. Approximately 38 million birds nationwide are affected in 35 states due to their rapid expansion.
The poultry industry welcomed positive trends, but many argue that biosecurity protocols must be maintained.
“Even after this outbreak is over, the turkey industry cannot relax its vigilance,” said Beth Breeding, a spokeswoman for the National Turkish Federation. “Even if detection rates decline, farmers will continue to deal with the aftermath of bird flu and the thorough cleaning and disinfection processes required before resuming production.”
virus Do not threaten food supply Human risk is low — only one human case has been reported in Colorado poultry workers. The person then recovered. However, the outbreak of bird flu confused poultry farms and Devastated wildlife.. Egg prices soared as a devastated state like Iowa lost millions of chickens in the outbreak.
Experts predicted that the H5N1 strain of influenza would struggle to survive in such conditions, resulting in slower, warmer and drier weather and eventually stopping its spread. This virus is mainly spread by wild migratory birds.
The 2015 outbreak of bird flu, which caused 9 million birds in Minnesota, saw the last reported case in mid-June, Glasser said.
“This time the rise and peak were fast, so I hope it ends earlier than 2015,” she said. Almost all of the state’s infectious diseases were reported in April, after the first case was discovered on March 25. Only 120,000 birds were infected or killed in May.
Autumn migration did not bring a new wave of infection in 2015, but it is premature to know if this is the case this year.Glazer warned backyard chickens and other poultry owners to be vigilant. Biosecurity measures..
That continues to be the case for commercial herds. Minnesota raises about 40 million turkeys annually on 660 farms. Almost all casualties from the state bird flu were due to these surgeries.
According to the Minnesota National Institute of Animal Health, none of the 57 commercial activities in the state with bird flu outbreaks have yet been released from quarantine. The end of the outbreak allows the farm to replenish and bring the operation back online.
“We have a group that is serious about this next step. We will make sure that the virus is removed, the barn is replenished, and we are back in the business of raising poultry in Minnesota,” Glasser said. ..
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